When ever I start up the server with a fresh IC2 server file, A empty config file is generated.
Which means IC2 isnt added to the server..
I have tried redownloading IC2 and Im not using anything special.
Also deleted the config file..
F:\Users\Twilight\Desktop\New Folder>java -jar minecraft_server.jar
174 recipes
27 achievements
ModLoader Server 1.1 Initializing...
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] ModLoader Server 1.1 Initializing...
Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.12
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.12
Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.12
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.12
Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.12
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.12
Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.12
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.12
Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.12
2012-01-24 13:21:03 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.12
Mod Loaded: mod_zAdditionalPipes Rev32.0
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_zAdditionalPipes Rev32.0
Mod Loaded: mod_EnderChest 1.0.1
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_EnderChest 1.0.1
Mod Loaded: mod_IC2 v1.62
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_IC2 v1.62
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4d
Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4d
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4d
Starting BuildCraft 2.2.12
Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] ModLoaderMP 1.1 Initialized
ModLoaderMP 1.1 Initialized
Trying to load IC2 submodule: bcIntegration31x
Failed to load submodule: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Trying to load IC2 submodule: bcIntegration22x
BuildCraft integration module loaded
Trying to load IC2 submodule: cgIntegration14x
Failed to load submodule: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.cgIntegration14x
Trying to load IC2 submodule: neiIntegration11x
Failed to load submodule: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.neiIntegration11
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at lb.a(SourceFile:42)
at lb.a(SourceFile:12)
at lw.actionPerformed(SourceFile:30)
at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(Unknown Source)
MinecraftForge V at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source)
1 at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source).3.
1 at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) Initialize
at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
24/01/2012 1:21:04 PM forge.ForgeHooks <clinit>
INFO: MinecraftForge V1.3.1 Initialized
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.1
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Loading properties
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Default game type: 0
2012-01-24 13:21:04 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
2012-01-24 13:21:05 [INFO] Done (541124800ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
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All the other stuff works fine. Just IC2..
So it shouldnt be the server's fault.
Running IC2 by itself on the server fixes nothing
Edit : Only noticed the "failed" parts of the log. Though that shouldnt effect it should it.