Hello employee of Apertura Agricultures.
You were choosen to test a prototype of our D-783 Lifeform Duplication Unit.Using it, you will never run out of cropseeds. Ever. You could only run out of Crop Seed Utility Bags, but you know where you can order more. Order more now. We don't have much FAP. Well, to use the D-783, you first need a "Cropnalyzer Block" CR-QuadrupleZ. We do not have any prototypes left for you, so build one yourself by using the following blueprint( =Cropnalyzer):
This machine is a pretty complex one, but if you could assemble it without using any indutrial machinery, you should be able to understand it. Basically it works like your normal handheld CR-TripleZ, except you can power it using the Energy Transfer Cables sold by the Industrial Craft Machine Corp. if you don't use higher currents than 32 EU/t. But the main addition is the ability to extract the DNA of crops and save it on Terraformer Blueprints. Quote from main IC² information storation unit:
Quote from WikiA single TFBP is capable of saving whole programs, DNA structures AND your account information!
It is definitly NOT possible to extract DNA from animal products using the CR-QuadrupleZ. You don't need more cell material than one filled Crop Seed Utility Bag to extract enough DNA to use the D-783. The process of extracting DNA requires very much energy, up to 50.000 EU in extreme cases, which seem to be extremely common.
The actual process of duplicating lifeforms requires the creation of matter and even more complex tasks. Because you seem not to be capable of doing this with a simple wooden workbench, here is the blueprint of the D-783 Lifeform Duplication Unit, which can be created using a wooden workbench. ( =Nothing;
=Mass fabricator)
It is unknown why a chainsaw is used in the blueprint as you can't duplicate animals which would be killed by the chainsaw so it would output animal products. This is not possible. Don't even try it. To use the D-783, insert a DNA-TFBP and very much energy and wait for it finishing the duplication process. The data does not get deleted from the DNA-TFBP. The output is a Crop Seed Utility Bag filled with the cropseeds you got the DNA from.
As this is only a prototype, there is a chance of an error which could result in creation of wrong lifeforms, explosions and the contamination of a large area with deadly neurotoxin... Forget the last one. Now.
Don't forget to call 0800-YOU-WILL-77-DIE. This order has nothing to do with the fact that our storage of FAP is low.
Goodbye, Employee.
Good News, Employee. Our scientists discovered how to combine the D-783 and the CRQuadrupleZ. Just use the following blueprint and forget the other ones( =Cr-TripleZ;
=Mass Fabricator):
Goodbye, Employee.