Hello, I play on a server with a lot of industrial type mods. I am going to build a MK 1 Reactor, but need help on how to wire it so that when its done with a cycle it will turn on a red light, and when it is going through a cycle it wil turn on a green light. Also I need a timer that will stop the reactor when it is done with its cycle. It you need any more information, or have any questions please post, but I just need help with the wiring. Thank you.

Setting up Reactor with RP2
The way I handled it was to use an IC2 Detector cable on the power feed from the reactor. For me, I just had a red rp2 lamp to show that the reactor was active. When the cycle ended, the light would go out. You could of course use a NOT gate or inverter such that when there is no power coming from the reactor, then the light goes on.
Mk1 reactors don't really need rp2 stuff (other than a lamp) since they're completely stable.
I use this design. I have 4 reactors and use an rp2 sequencer that has the 4 sides paired such that the reactors run on a 50% duty cycle. I had trouble with RP2 timing circuits on SMP so this design is perfect. It can run a full cycle (in cast something goes wrong with the rp2 stuff) without exploding and running a 50% cycle means I can run them continuously. Expensive and tedious to set up but once in place, run forever very efficiently.
So I use a detector Cable to tell me when its not producing any EU, so Ill put a green light that will turn on when I need to switch out the uranium. And for cycles, they last about 2 and a half hours, after its done, they dont over heat when they are done right? Or they do over heat? And if I wanna use a M 2 or M 3, will I have to use a timer to turn it off after the cycle?
Yes, if you put an rp2 NOT gate in-line with the rp2 lamp, then the light will come on when the reactor is no longer producing power.
The cycle last about 2h 45m and with a Mk 1 reactor, once it is finished, there is no more power and the reactor is cold. No heat. So you can put more uranium in and it will go again; no explosions.
The design I gave you is a Mk 2 which means it will run for 1 full cycle with no boom but it needs a cooling period after. If you run 100% of the time then you need to wait 92 minutes after the uranium is gone before you put in new uranium. So this is why I use it with 50% on, 50% off. That way, it stays cool. It's also Efficiency 3 which means the uranium gives you more EU before it is depleted. Most Mk 1 reactors are not very efficient. Best I've seen is only Eff2.
Another design I used had to be on for 1 second and off for 17!! It was very efficient but such close timing means that if there was lag from the network connection or a small mistake in the timer... wait 45 seconds, BOOM! I tried three version of this and it kept exploding due to SMP network lag which is why i went back to the Mk2 Eff3.
I can combine both set ups, also can you post the M 2 reactor set up you use with your second design? Also with the second picture, basically the 1st reactor is on for 40 seconds, then the second one is on for 40 seconds and so on and so on till it is done.
I can combine both set ups, also can you post the M 2 reactor set up you use with your second design? Also with the second picture, basically the 1st reactor is on for 40 seconds, then the second one is on for 40 seconds and so on and so on till it is done.
Yes you can combine my 50/50 sequencer with the detector cable + inverter + lamp!
My Mk2 design is the very first one on the "A list of good reactor designs" sticky in this forum.
www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyond…c0=1p10101001501521s1r11rAnd correct. Reactor 1 on for 40 seconds, Reactor 2 on for 40 seconds.
Thank you very much, you were an amazing help to me. Thank you and here is a few diamonds for your hard work...
You're welcome!
Before there was a detector cable i used the item detector from rp to check if empty buckets where coming out of the reactor. Works pretty good too.
That's fine if you have a reactor that uses buckets
Excellent idea if you do, of course!
I haven't created anything so complex yet due to my experiences with the 1:17 reactors going foom due to SMP glitching. KISS -
Would the 40 seconds on 40 seconds off sequence work with this either of these reactor designs
The first one is almost the same as my one. Yes that will be fine to run 40s/40s.
The other one is almost stable. You can leave that one run a full cycle but just wait 1 hour before refilling.
OR you could wire the sequencer as 3:1 or 60s/20s and it will be almost perfectly stable. Just leave it sit and cool for 30 mins once a week. -
Ok thank you
The way I handled it was to use an IC2 Detector cable on the power feed
from the reactor. For me, I just had a red rp2 lamp to show that the
reactor was active. When the cycle ended, the light would go out. You
could of course use a NOT gate or inverter such that when there is no
power coming from the reactor, then the light goes on.I'm lost as to how you join the 2 together. The Detector cable and the lamp because one is IC2 and one rp2. Then there's the Detector cable and the NOT gate.
The last Post here is one year old...
Then does that mean it can't be done anymore?