[Questions]Explosion resistance nerf?

  • Quote

    - Make the explosion code ignore very high resistance blocks

    Now, several questions about this.
    1. Does this affect ALL explosions, or just things like nukes?

    2. Why was this done? I don't really see much of a reason behind it, especially when I spend time making a lot of obsidian for something that may be extremely dangerous (hint: beyond reactors) and I want to keep it sheltered from creeper explosions when they decide to surprise me.

    3. Can you add an option in the config to switch the explosion code back to default behavior if #1 is the former? By default it will use the new code, of course.

  • ...Oh. I take it that regular explosions won't have any other affect on it then?

    One last question, what about charged creepers? While rare, it's still nice to know all that I can know about this change.

    Or are reactor explosions a special explosion which cause ignorance of resistances? Sorry, just rather confused about the whole thing, but slowly getting it.

  • Think of it as that Blocks with very high explosion-resistance are threated as air. So the won't reduce the force of the explosion, but will still be unharmed. And very high in this case means undestructible by all avaible means, which is only true for the 2 IC-Items I guess. No idea if this might cause problems with other mods implementing High-ER-Blocks.