Question: Upgrade items

  • i look through my available items in nei and i see these upgrade items so i give myself a couple cause it wont show any recipes and i put them in a batbox, a generator, and several other things and they do nothing. i looked on the wiki and they dont exist there. what are these upgrades? how do i make them? how do i use them?

  • oh i thought those slots were some wierd storage slots thx

    now how do i make them? and where do i find more info on them?

    nvm on the recipe figured out nei will show me that but still eed a place to find more info on them

  • Overclockers make the machine run faster but demand more energy
    Input Transformers make the machine able to run at higher voltages, use one for maximum MV and two for maximum HV
    Storage Upgrades make the machine able to store more energy

  • Overclockers make the machine run faster but demand more energy
    Input Transformers make the machine able to run at higher voltages, use one for maximum MV and two for maximum HV
    Storage Upgrades make the machine able to store more energy

    so overclockers add speed and storage upgrades add eu storage. do you mean the the input transformers stop the machines from blowing up when i hook up an mfsu?

  • so overclockers add speed and storage upgrades add eu storage. do you mean the the input transformers stop the machines from blowing up when i hook up an mfsu?

    Precisely, place two Input Transformers into, say a Macerator, and it'll run on HV direct from an MFSU instead of needing to be stepped down to LV

  • ok thx. and another question. i've wired up lv/mv/hv converters but they dont seem to be doing anything. are they supposed to only have crafting purpose?

  • Also, as a little hint, all of the machine upgrades are stackable... But I'm not sure exactly how the EFFECTS stack. It would seem that there is about a 10-15% cumulative increase in speed on the overclocker upgrade. By putting 9 OC and 2 Transformer on a recycler, you can chew through a stack in about 5 seconds. Macerators chew through 32 ore in about a minute, and electro furnaces seem like machine guns. The biggest problem is that, without the transformer upgrades, you just can't power the machines fast enough for that many OC units.

    It's fun. :)