A few questions to satisfy my curiosity

  • O, this has been puzzling me just recently. I'm trying to work out why the tool for crop analysis is designed to be so different from the way I percieve the rest of the mod to be.

    For example, it is the only tool that requires a separate power source to function, rather than having an internal one, charges as with other such tools. This would, to my mind, make it easier for quickly checking the stats of a seed pouch to work out where it needs to go, in a plantation.

    It's also the only mobile device to posses it's own GUI. I understand that there's a lot of information to convey with the seed analysis, but the way that that function and the "plant checking" one have been bundled together makes me think that both were needed, but the devs only wanted to introduce a single new tool, so they jury-rigged it together to try and combine the two.

    Finally, more of a suggestion than a question. Would it be possible to include the relevant destinctive characteristics of the seed bags in the tooltips, or change the sprite somehow when it gets analysed? It's just quite difficult to keep track of which pouch is which when you're looking after a counple of cross-breeding beds.

    This isn't a criticism, I'm actually genuinely interested in the thought processes that led to the decisions.

  • I guess Alblaka does some improvements here and there. I guess the battery might be needed due to the fact the tool works, because if it would be that easy to give it a charge like the Mining-Drill etc. Alblaka would surely have done this... or he wants to troll us and implements a cropnalyzer MkII which does just this :P

    The characteristics of the Plants inside the tooltip is similar. I guess he would instantly do this, if he finds a easy solution.

  • The seed sorting component of crop breeding is pretty frustrating for me. Because the cropnalyzer only works on seeds in your hotbar, there's a lot of fiddle just swapping seeds out between the hotbar and the inventory to get them all scanned. As you say, the lack of stats in the tooltip and the identical sprite for all seedbags means that if you don't keep careful track of your scanned seeds you'll get into all sorts of mess.

    I presume it's a hurdle by design to pad out large scale crossbreeding. It's important that high-scoring hybrids are quite hard to breed or there'd be no satisfaction in agriculture. I respect the decision of the designers and the fact that nobody wants a 'win' button on their game, but I hope that Al or one of the team has tried using the system for a few hours themselves. ;)