The new version looks pretty good, more BC compatibility is great, official implementation of the solar helmet is great, as well as the new static boots and such. But wheres the thermometer? Or RP2 compatibility? We nuclear engineers would love to be able to measure reactor heat, or to have 6 chamber CAUSC reactors.
Look, I know your all doing this in your free time, and for free, I know it IS your mod and you can do whatever you want with it, but c'mon. You said you would add a thermometer, and I'll be honest, I don't know the syntax of any programing language, but i've been around programmers long enough to understand whats easy and what isn't, and the thermometer is easy. There's even a 5-minute addon for it thats practically bug free! Maybe you decided against it, but you've said you'd add it before, at least say you won't add it and stop keeping false promises.
And the RP2 compatibility, maybe its a problem on their side, maybe you don't want to fix it, but like I said i've been around programmers for a good while, and from what i've seen of the BC compatibility it ought to be perfectly possible to fix it on your side. From what I can tell, the nuclear chambers basically 'redirect' you to the real reactor inventory. Theres probably a workaround that could trick RP2 pipes into working, I don't know, I'm not going to suggest anything to a expert.