Suggestion : Advanced Nuclear Reactor Water Cooling

  • Name:
    Advanced Nuclear Reactor Water Cooling

    In IC1 you had to keep nuclear reactors under water to keep them from exploding\melting down.

    I don't know yet if IC2 reactors can be cooled by water (so far all I've seen is they need to be cooled with heat sinks and cooling units). So I was thinking to allow for even greater nuclear reactor capacities, nuclear reactors can be placed in water (so long as heat sinks are included in the reactor) to cool a reactor full of cores.

    Not only would this allow for slightly more realistic nuclear power plants (to power your mechanized civilization), but it would also allow nuclear reactors to generate way more power.

    Optional : I was also thinking that if this where implemented then maybe nuclear reactors could also heat up water around it, the hotter it gets the higher the chance of a melt down, and it would also hurt the player when it gets too hot. To show how hot water is bubbles could be generated in water that's being heated by reactors and the hotter it gets the more the water bubbles until it reaches its boiling point. Another way would be to add a thermometer into the game to tell you how hot the water is.

    Keeping water circulating would help keep the reactors and cooling water cool, maybe once the hot water reaches outside (so not inside a roofed building) would help cool it off (which would allow people to be creative and build cooling towers) or circulate with a water source like a lake or ocean.

    In order for high capacity nuclear reactors to stay cool they would need to be put surrounded by more and more water.
    Perhaps one layer of water per core in the reactor

    1 Core

    2 Cores

    3 Cores

    • Official Post

    Maybe you just read the whole nuclear reactor tutorial first?

    It's very clearly stated there how to use outside water as a coolant:


    4. Lastly, the most underestimated Coolant System: The reactor itself
    Folloring the basic laws of heat distribution, a rector will emit heat to it's surrounding. Each cubic meter (block) of air surrounding the reactor in a 3by3 sphere, will provide 1/4th of cooling. As well, water will provide a full point of cooling each. As well, the Reactor itself can vent 1 heat per pulse into the world by itself. Additionally Reactor Chambers possess intern heat vents, each chamber emitting additional 2 heat per pulse.
    The sum of all these fators is called "Outward cooling"