[v1.71] Induction active state fix and Sounds

  • Updated February 29, 2012
    Because my thread for the induction furnace active state bug report suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason(i want to why) so i decided to make the fix instead.
    This is just a fix for Induction furnace a fix and sound for Induction Furnace. I don't know if this fits into the add-on section but whatever.

    Info about the bug:
    The bug appears when you power a induction furnace with a redstone power. They stay in it's active state (textures and the 'active' field) and only will return to it's deactivated state when it has done processing something. This fix fixes this annoying bug by adding heat == 0 detector to updateEntity()

    if(heat == 0)
    	newActive = false;

    as well as the worldObj.markBlockNeedsUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) which is necessary for the block to update the texture in time because the active field will sometimes not get detected by the block.

    Put the files inside the compiled folder to ic2's jar

    Source info:
    The edited BlockMachine.class is just to make sure that it points the IF's TileEntity to my custom one.
    mod_InductionFix is just to register the TileEntityInductionFix.class
    TileEntityInductionFix.class overrides the updateEntity() contained in the TileEntityInduction.class

    Note to IC2 devs:
    Please do include this patch on then next IC2 update. It would be useful. Also use this sound code for the basic machines (the Macerator, EFurnace, Extractor, Compressor)

    EDIT February 29, 2012: Updated with sound support.
    Also be warned the IF's sound is kinda loud(it's IC2's unused sound btw)

    and FYI like AdvMachine's fix that i posted, this was decompiled using a hacky way.

  • Sound?

    "Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations." :P Also known as: The furnace didn't have any sound, and he fixed it, so it has sound! :P (My guess :D )

  • "Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations." :P Also known as: The furnace didn't have any sound, and he fixed it, so it has sound! :P (My guess :D )

    Smartass -_- and wow i wasn't aware it didn't have sound. PwnGod is awesome :)

    God blesses the child that can hold its own.