Thread is pointless imo. You are aware that you can use both NEI/Craftguide simutaneously? I've done it on 1.2.5 and from what i see, it's still possible. So poof with this does not belong in the "IC2 addons sections" There is no download here.
Posts by streetstar5
can't boot with Direpack(mainly MiscPeriphs)
RG said it's your fault
One of you please fix the compatibility!!
Please & Thank you!
EDIT: just updated to 2.74c and error still occurs. Issue still exist. -
How is this even in the addons section?
Why do we need to update 1.3.2 version if 1.4 is as close as it never was?
That would be a waste of time.See? this is where the cycle continues.
To the actual OP: You want hotfixes? You're apparently in a prime position to do something about it. You're already bug-hunting on your own server, right? Well, instead of bellyaching and complaining, you could compile the bug information, including how to reproduce and suspected culprit, and provide that information to the dev team. Suddenly, instead of being Yet Another Griper, you're actually contributing to the mod which you 'love and use', for very little additional effort on your part (posting the collection of bugs you have already researched). It might net better results.
Pretty sure he stated he thinks his reports aren't being read anymore. As someone who has played on Kane's server - he does alot of testing and reporting, he is quite obsessive with it IMO - but mod devs need people like him IMHO. A team of Kane Harts testing a mod would have no bugs lol
Sorry but i have to agree with Kane Hart here. it's something alot of us has been thinking and wanting to say for awhile, there is no excuse for the lack of hot fixes and support for loyal fans here. I see IC2 dying in the near future as well if they don't step their shit up fast. The quality of the work is just sliding down hill, and your beta testers are some lazy ass bums who cant bug test properly for shit. Hire new testers, you don't need to go open source or open betas, just get some real testers and start releasing HOTFIXES!
To you other dicks, stop hating on other ppl for saying something negative about IC2, the truth is the truth, if we took the time to rant about it then obviously we must care about the mod and the devs. If no one says anything, this shit will continue to go on. For now i don't recommend using IC2 on a server in its current condition, cant even say use it now and wait for a hotfix(because you guys dont release those) Instead you wait for another update which is usually for another version of MC, and then the cycle continues. SMH
And why does post count dictate if someone should be taken serious? Eloraam has 1 post count here, and that one post was taken very very serious. I can vouch that Electrobot is a long time user of Ic2 and probably knows more about the mod then 90% of the ppl here would hundreds of post.
oh wow, still working on this?
Can i have that fix?
Hey, I edited (yeap, not original, but takes a lot of my swear) some antique textures of your mod and the IC2 textures of Sphax, and here is the result:
Note: Complete, with GUI's also.
Wow you saved me alot of time, thanks! i'll look these over, make sure you post these on
Core 1.30 gives a crash aout class not found or something. I rolled back to 1.20 for the time being
Sweet! testing
Attached is an initial beta release of the charging bench mod updated to IC2 1.103 and Minecraft 1.2.5. The server version is for vanilla forge. I am requiring Forge 3.3.8.x and newer builds for Minecraft 1.2.5 for this mod. I do not yet have a bukkit release.
I do not believe this port will be compatible with prior unofficial updates made to the original mod, but you are welcome to try. If you do, please make a backup of your world first. I'm not responsible if this thing deletes your hard work. If you do try updating from a prior unofficial release, please report your success, or failure. I am running this beta on my own private server and so far everything seems to work but there hasn't been extensive testing.
If all goes well, I'll have a bukkit server version tonight and will update this post.
For now, please report any bugs that come up with these unofficial updates in this thread. Please give full error details such as what you were doing when it happened, the expected outcome and what actually happened along with full error logs. I don't expect anything to come up but you never know.
Added BRIEFLY TESTED bukkit port. I've launched the server, connected, placed a charging bench, verified the GUI opens and works, verified it's able to receive energy from the energy net by placing a MFSU next to it and charging it up with some solar panels, verified that the charging bench charges things placed in it and that it's able to be removed and placed again without issues. I haven't done any extensive testing though. I've made the normal required modifications to the source for a bukkit port so it SHOULD work, but please test it and let me know. -
Works with Forestry and Transformers addon.
Although i got a crash when i pressed F(which switches to my dual weapons from Mine & Blade mod)Minecraft has crashed!
----------------------Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT dd98ce1b --------
Generated 8/27/12 2:32 AMMinecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0_05, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.8.5
OpenGL: GeForce 9800 GTX+/PCIe/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporationjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
at ic2_upgrades.IC2_GUI_handler.draw(
at ic2_upgrades.mod_IC2_upgrades.onTickInGame(
at BaseMod.doTickInGame(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.onRenderTickEnd(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 6eb88f6f ----------my list was too long for this post get it here:
I hope the PESU returns and actually outputs and handles 1024 or 2048 eu/t respectively
It's back, YAY
Hello CrazyCraft
did you test this mod yourself?
If you did, you'd noticed that most of the textures are invisible.
You should test it ingame -
Hmm i didnt have to remove any ic2 folders from EE/Forestry/TC2/Railcraft etc and my game booted up fine v1.103
ALso now problems with NEI plugin either.What is the downside of removing the api folders from said mods(which i didn't have to)?
computercraft turtle can place treetaps on barrels