railcraft pack released
[128x] and [64x] NP IC" texture pack Updated for [IC² 1.109]
- nuttyprot
- Closed
I know I have not posted In a while Currently working on a mega update to all my packs.
Include a hell of lot tweaks for IC2 texture pack
New UI's for all my packs
Better scaling for the lower 64 res packs -
Anyone know what the below highlighter textures are.
Those are booze barrels the other one is with a treetap to get the beer with a mug
Thanks will get to work on them now
hehe I lied I know I said I would release the packs tomorrow or Monday on my site but, I wanted to give you a nice surprise. I have been working none stop 16 hours a day the last two weeks getting all the packs ready for this. I have also updated all images for packs with new textures (may have missed some).
All download links have been updated. You can get the packs in the download section of the site. View OP for details or click my sig.
3 New PacksOk so we have 3 new packs
Portal gun mod texture packI hated doing this pack tbh Sci fi is really out of my comfort zone. I have never played portal and have created the textures to go along side my other texture packs. Use the advanced texture pack install method to help prevent problems. How to install advanced method Link.
Doggy Talents texture pack
I have not done the dog textures only the items and feeding bowl. (I will not be doing the dog textures)
Advanced machines (all 3 versions)
Ok this one puzzled me 3 mods with the same name. So anyways I created all 3 of the packs. Be sure to check what version you downloading. Also one of the packs requires advanced method for installing. How to install advanced method Link.
Full Change logs
Huge amount of tweaks
All blocks that had items on eg lights/tools/windmill ect have had slight changes so that the items on them blocks don't look like they have just been pasted on and look more like they embedded into the block.
New texture for rubber resin, Rubber tree bark rubber hole now looks better merges with the bark better
All new texture added for IC2 latest release
New UI's
Changes to the wood texture on bat box and other blocks that used the texture. Now blends better I also added little more detail to them.Additional Buildcraft objects
Better Scaling for lower resolutions
Additional Pipes
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsBackpack
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsBCIC2 Crossover
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsCharging Bench
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsCompact Solar
Better Scaling for lower resolutions
New textures added
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsIron Chest Mod
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsLaser Mod
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsLogistics Pipes
New textures added
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsPower Converters
Better Scaling for lower resolutions
New textures added
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsSneaky Pipes
New UI's
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsIC2 Thermomiter
Better Scaling for lower resolutionsWireless Redstone
New textures added
Better Scaling for lower resolutions
(Still not change the UI on this one as I like the default one)Red Power 2
New UI's
New textures the last update got about 40 new textures.
Better scaling for the 64x textures
Tweaks to a few existing blocksForestry
New UI's
Better scaling for the 64x64 pack
Fixed error with rubber tree sapling (Forgot to hide original one when saving as png so you could see it behind the new texture)
Fixed error with the 64x64 blocks file being 32x32 now the correct scale
Changed the blocks that had tools on them they now look like they are embedded into the block instead of just being placed on them
Added all new textures for latest release of forestry
Due to changes with forestry textures and way they are used had to change a few textures.
List of changed textures
Honey comb
Honey droplets
and few more I cannot remember the name off (note few the new textures not 100% happy with will work on them at later date)EE2
New Gui's
Rescaled the 64x64 for better quality
Edited the chest texture slightly (fixed a small visual bug)Buildcraft
Fixed bug with refinery
New Gui's
Better scaling for 64x64 packNP Smooth
Fixed bug with watch texture
Added new Gui's
Added new items for pre-release12w18a
Np Smooth updated Wireless Redstone Chickenbones edition and thaumcraft2 texture pack released
NP Smooth texture pack
Ok first of Np smooth texture pack has been updated for Minecraft Snapshot 12w19a.Wireless Redstone Chickenbones edition
This pack has been released- Note triangulator has been re-textured but this texture is hard-coded into the mod so it will not show.
The big one Thaumcraft2 texture pack has been released
of this texture pack is not finished I have yet to do the item file the
reason for this is due to a bug in the mod if I try to do the items
file it causes a couple of textures to become distorted. Also some of
the default textures have not been re-textured . The reason for this is
that they look great and they are already HD. This mod has the best
default textures I have ever seen in a mod. I do intend to do the items
file at a later date but I need a little rest have been working daily 16
hours a day for the past 3 weeks on this pack. Hopefully the bug
causing textures to become distorted will be fixed then also as the mod
creator is aware of the problem.Edit:
Updated Railcraft
Updated Additional Buildcraft Pipes
All mod texture packs currently up to date -
Crafting Table III texture pack released
Updated mod texture packs
Just updated forestry and railcraft texture packs. I don’t know when
the mods got updated so if a little slow with the updates I apologies.Foresty
Added the new swamp hive textures and the new gui texture
Note 2 textures in the items file have not been done and 3 in the
blocks file have not been done I have no idea what they are suspect that
they are not used yet. I shall update when they are used but if they
are used and i missed them please let me know thank you.Railcraft
All new textures have been added including the gui’s
I think all texture packs are up to date if I have missed one please let me know thank you and enjoy.
Computer Craft texture pack released
Today I bring you a new mod texture pack this time for the fantastic mod
computer craft. I have based the textures on my red power 2 texture
pack so they can go along side each other. Some changes have been made
to make sure you can tell the difference between red power 2 and
computer craft blocks. Everything has been re-textured including the
graphical user interfaces -
Today I release another texture pack think this could be my 4th one in
less than 2 weeks not bad if I do say so myself. Anyways today's texture
pack is for the great Industrial Craft 2 addon Nuclear Control. I have
re-used 2 textures from my Industrial Craft 2 thermometer texture pack
but this should not matter as Nuclear Control does the same job and I
cant see any reason you would run both texture packs at the same time.
Want to know something I think is a little funny even tho I have been
using Industrial Craft 2 mod myself Saturday was the first day I have
ever built a nuclear reactor I tend to stick to solar power using
compact solar mod and geo thermal generators. -
This forum needs an 'AWESOME JOB!' button.
(For those who don't get it: AWESOME JOB DUDE!)
This forum needs an 'AWESOME JOB!' button.
(For those who don't get it: AWESOME JOB DUDE!)
Thank you
Not many people say it and feel nice when people actually do say it.
On a dif note 2moz will be major update on Thaumcraft texture pack. The update will include all new textures + I have finally finished the items file.
Actually a sad moment tbh with the release of thaumcraft texture pack brings my mod texture pack support upto 28 mods for one person this is an awful lot of work 1000s of hours have gone into the packs. Because of this The chances of me releasing any new texture packs are slim as it is already a handful maintaining what I have. I will be maintaining and UPDATING what I have so don't worry about that.
Just checked latest release of IC2 I dont see any new textures so should be 100% compatible. If did miss something please let me know.
I have updated IC2 texture pack this update only contains a small fix for the crops texture (it was bugging me). I really want to spend some time on the crops at a later date when I have more spare time.
Mystcraft and IC2 addon Seed manager.Texture packs released
Transformers texture pack released
Yep a new
mod texture pack is released today this time for the great mod
Transformers I personally really like this this mod especially useful
for when you spawn and cant find oil in yer world for buildcraft or if
you run out of oil resources. -
A little update on np smooth overhaul
Change log
Main terrain file
New Grass Texture
Changed color of cobble slightly
New Diamond ore
New Iron Ore
New Coal ore
New lapis ore
New redstone ore
New gold Ore
New Sound block and disk player blocks
Added shading to Torch
Added shading to Leaver
Added Shading to redstone torch on and off
New Sugar Cane texture
New Gravel Texture
New iron Block
Added emerald block
Added emerald Ore
added coco plants
New yellow Flower
Changed red flower slightly
Fixed small bug with hatch texture
Dispenser changed slightly
New Brewing Stand
Tweaked brew stand base
Tweaked Ender portal blocks
Tweaked Repeaters
New glowstone texture
New redstone lamp textures
Fixed tiling issue with large mushrooms
Sprites File
New sprites for potion effect
items file
New coco dye
New Lapis dye
New Red dye
New Yellow dye
New Sugar cane sprite
added new items for 1.3
fixed texture bug with music disks
Misc changes
Added Ender chest
Fixed slight bug with Connected textures
Changed paintings now all pictures from in game using my texture pack gives it more authentic feel
Mob Changes
Added tiny bit more detail to Chicken
Changed villager heads now basically a hd version of the vanilla ones
recolored the Mooshroom Cow
A couple of tweaks to the pig and sheep
Lost the will to live with mobs i hate them so much wont be doing more work on them
Mod texture pack changes
IC2 ores changes to fit new style
Forestry ores changes to fit new style
RP2 ores changes to fit new style
IC2 Crops file it needs some love will do that 2moz:)
Post is big enough plenty of screenshots on my website -
Above updates are now live enjoy :).
Updates delayed/discontinued until further notice
Going to keep this short If people have followed my official
minecraft forum thread you will know that my mother recently passed
away. I know a few of my texture packs are in need of updating but sadly
I have no desire to work on my packs at the moment. I am also no longer
playing minecraft the game has become stale for me. As for my work as
people know I have spent 1000s of hours working on my texture packs and
for it to go to waste would be a shame so now I am giving permission to
anyone with the desire to continue my work feel free on 2 condition’s1. They give me credit for my work
2. Link back to my website at http://minecrafthdtexture.com
I hope you understand my reasons for no longer working on the packs. I
may continue working on them at a later but this is unlikely. -
Surprise I'm back for the past month I have been getting the texturing itch and started playing minecraft again. As people know a lot of my packs have become out of date. As people know I have a lot of packs but I am currently in the process of updating them this will take time so be sure to check back often for updates.
Things to expect from the updates
Darker UI's I had a lot of complaints that the old ones are to bright so working to rectify this
All new blocks and file structure updates (I know a few mods had the structure changed)
Please bare in mind I will not be releasing new packs at this time but I do plan when my current ones are updated to do a couple of new ones.
Anyways keeping this short as I have a lot of work to do updating the packs
Don't forget to check back often for updates and releases