*RESOLVED* [SUPPORT] Black Screen on mp *RESOLVED*

  • I've got 4 computers running IC2 and thats it no other mods besides the forge, ML and MPL.

    One of them is a laptop. It goes black screen when I equip a batpack or lappack (the cfpack is fine).

    I feel like a idiot It does not crash on any other computer, I've installed them all the same I thought.. I was thinking it was my java....


    I updated the error code now to include the error report now. I did a reinstall of MC, then I added ML, MLMP, MCF, and then IC2... same error. I'll keep troubleshooting and let you know if I figure it out. Also I updated my java again, so I'm on the most recent version of Java.

  • Did you copy the .minecraft client folder from a working PC to the dodgy one? That will guarantee a working build. The rest we can assume to be environmental.
    Any differences in OS?
    When I copy my client build from my Windows PC to my Mac, black screen every time so I gave up running it on the mac.

    GENERATION 26: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment or chain letter? This is left as an exercise for the reader.

    Efficiency 3, 50% duty cycle. SMP friendly. Alternate two of them slowly with an rp2 sequencer for a steady 120 EU/t.

  • I've done both. I've coppied the whole .minecraft folder and I've deleted it and started a full install of minecraft and fresh downloads of each mod IC2, ML, MLMP, and MCF. The game works fine until you eqp the Batpack or Lappack (haven't tried Jetpack). Im asuming its a windows thing.

    The comptuers that are fine are windows XP, good ol trusty. The one that is faulty is Windows 7. I'm going to upgrade my server to 1.71 today and see if that fixes the issue.

  • "Mod Initialized: mod_MinecraftForge" So I am on that one... go figure lol.

    However I just finished updating all my clients and servers to 1.71 with new dl's fresh jars and no problems yet. I was able to eqp the lappack and batpack now. Im not to sure what it was but its past now updating seemed to fix it.

    Issue resolved, reason not found....