I'm trying to construct a simple redston mechanism to turn off my reactor when the storage batteries are full...
As i use RedPower, i use a wire that run on my wall and lead out of my house and finally at my reactor...
I use a red torch applied on top of my battery to give current to the redstone wire...
Something like this:
Where is red torch,
is RP wire and
is a not gate to revert the redstone signal...
The problem is that if i set the "emit if full" behaviour at the MFE, it shut off the torch on his top as i expected, but it stop to emit current as well, freezing my entire energy network...
So, if i want that my machine works again, i have to set the "nothing" behaviour to make him emit current again...
My question is: How battery behaviour exactly works? Is correct that the battery stop emit current when full or this is a bug?
Help me hunderstand, Please!