Of Mushrooms and Terraformer

  • In the current 1.2.3 build, terraformers with the Mushroom biome setting will convert giant mushroom blocks into mycelium. Essentially, this could cause giant dirt platforms to occur. Kinda neat, really, but weird and a mob hazard at the same time.

  • I said dirt to generalize, under the assumption it would turn the stalks into mycelium as well(which would result in them becoming dirt). But it doesn't seem to do that, only the tops. And it just so happens to have done this twice in the time I've started the topic. I know have a 3 mushroom stack. It's rather silly looking.

    • Official Post

    As stated about 4 times before, to stack up mushrooms it must convert them into Mycelium, because mushrooms cant grow on MushroomBlocks. > will drop and spam the world with shroom pickups.

    edit: Just noticed the dirt block. Effect of mycelium behaving grass-like. Probably need to think of a workaround for this, but the only thing coming to my mind would be directly spawning bigshrooms on bigshrooms, ommitting the mushroom on bigshroom phase :/ Which would casuse the height growth to be MUUUUCH faster.