A simple enough concept I came up with a while back, of course it required a lot of tweaking to get it right, but in the end it was totally worth it as you shall see
this here is my array of 6 cobblestone generators, the boxy structures that you see on the left are the control modules. Those control modules contain the redpower2 timer, and a wireless redstone transmitter. One of them controls the generators, and the other controls half the scrap refinement process. In the early days I had the timer set wrong, the result of that would be me having to come in, pop open those hatches, and clear out the block of stone which would block the path that the water takes to collide with the lava. I thought of these early, failure prone generators as very industrial-esque seeing as how they required all of that attention to keep the stone flowing. But with the additions of more and more generators they started clogging more and it became a hassle to give them all attention.
The stone is broken by simple block breakers, nothing fancy. here you can see the actual recycler that processes the stone into scrap. Now one may ask how one recycler is able to process all that stone(a bit hard to see here) efficiently? I have the thing rigged up to either it was 7 or 8 overclockers, along with a whole bunch of EU storage upgrades.
The actual refinery is located in the section of the house with those three holes in the roof, we shall see more of it later. Here I partially covered it up because it was becoming an eyesore on my balcony
NOTE: see the leftmost structure? that is the storage center. This is the inside of the refinery. As you can see, I have a wireless receiver up there, it is hooked up to a retriever that is attached to the side of the recycler, its purpose is to remove scrap from the machine and into the chest.
The chest acts like a buffer between the redpower2 pipes and the buildcraft pipes. As you can see the engine is nice and hot and pumping out a nice stream of scrap. here we have the automatic-crafting table, which produces scrap boxes for me. These boxes are then pumped out into another chest, the scrap box is then retrieved and sent down a redpower pipe.
this is the storage facility that I mentioned earlier. I consider this the most important part of the whole facility. Shown here are some chests which are connected by and underground pipe system. Also shown is a redstone reciever and two devices which I will show in the next picture.
Same storage room, different angle. Here we can see a newly made scrap box traveling down the pipe and into the redpower2 deployer. The deployer spits out a random item made by the scrap box, which is then picked up by a transposer and sent into one of the chests. Initially I made it with a nice chamber so I could have a brief glimpse of the random item that I would receive, unfortunately this glimpse is so fast the item dropped appears for less than an instant and I have to just look at the item as it's going to a chest.
You might think "well this is just a waste of time. Enjoying your wooden tools?"
yes, yes I am, and much more.
I leave it on for 1 day and 1 night and this is what I have. Along with 7 gold helmets in the other chest.