i was born i deserted island, but there were other biomes around like snow and rainforest but as much i looked for i couldn't find any trees with orange spots on them and as i cut them down it's named wood. So i would like to ask some hints how i can find them. there is no other way to start capitalism rollin.
sorry for my crappy english,
thanks in advance

QUESTION: Cant find rubebr tree
there are enough of them, but only in certain biomes.
Start a new World or move a bit around to find them -
yeah thanks after half hour scounting i saw them from distance
i thought this can't be done by notch
Oh btw if you want to see a place with much natural rubber trees: Take the map with the seed: 2
and go to: 360 -276
Look around you, there are about 5 patches of the trees, all together about 30-40 Trees.