Crafting Items Dissapear when try to craft

  • So i haven't been able to find anything about this, and yes, Ive tried the Google so don't post that shit.

    I have commandbook, worldedit, voxel, dynmap, safecreeper on bukkits ported latest version snapshot.

    mods = IC2 and ironchest.

    Heres the problem: everything is working fine, i can spawn in IC2 items and use them just fine, but when on survival mode, trying to craft anything on a workbench, i put in the materials for say a bat box, it shows up for a split second and its gone, i cant craft anything, and i cant find anything, Ive recently had this issue with Essentials and BC2, but after deleting Essentials all together i was able to craft BC2 items. Now its happening for IC2.


    There aren't any permission nodes i have to use are there? and if so where do i enter them, commandbook doesn't require permission nodes and everyone playing including myself is a OP, so that should've taken care of the issue.

    the only thing i haven't tried is deleting all the plugins, and im thinking its commandbook that's doing it. But i really don't want to get rid of that plugin. and i cant find anything on commandbook or its configs restricting crafting of IC2 items.
    Ive looked over all my configs, and havent found anything yet.

    MCforge outa date? i know there were some issues with the latest vers. of that and or modloader. Is it simply a client based problem where i need to update my clients modloader/MCforge?

    Ive run outa ideas and hair to pull out, please help!

  • You need to go to the people that ported IC2 to bukkit to get support. These boards are for support of the officially released version of IC2. They have no idea what changes have been made in porting it to work with bukkit.