[Quantum saber]
[I want to offer a quantum saber. It will be similar to the nano-saber, but white color. It will have a charge in 1 000 000 EU and it can switch on/off. And also will cause to mobs and to players at least 14-15 hearts and to players in the quantum suit will delete 1/4 charges of the suit for 1 hit if on.]
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Where are [r] - redstone, [a] - advansed alloy, [l] - lapotron and [-] - nothing
I hope you will see it .
Suggestion: [Quantum saber]
- Mexahoid
- Closed
First, welcome to the forums! Second, no weapons or armor or anything like it is allowed to be suggested right now.
Alblaka is working on a pvp expansion for ic2. After that, and ONLY after that, can we suggest new weapons.
Cool idea though -
I always find it stupid that people suggest weapons that deplete the energy of the quantum suits, especially when they do such stupid amounts of 1/4, EVEN MORE when people think their "Saber" should not consume a ludicrous amount of energy for doing so too. What im trying to say is that if you gonna slap such an unimaginative purpose to a weapon its gotta cost alot, so 1 (Fully charged) Quantum Saber can only deplete the charge of a (Fully charged) quantum suit before losing all its juice.
(Im surprise no moron have tough of "Pierce" effects on weapons, drain a sizeable amount of energy from the quantum suit, but also deals half or 1 heart of damage to the user, ergo "piercing" the energy shield >.>)
A new "Nerfz ze Wantumzuit"-Suggestion in shape of a Weaponsuggestion, which is not allowed before IConflict-Addon.