[SMP, Bug] IC2 Machines points down. Wrench don't work.

  • Hey guys. I have some problems with IC2 on SMP. If I place any machine of IC2 (furnaces, generator, batbox, etc.), it always points down and I can't rotate it with wrench or the electric one. I use Minecraft 1.2.5 and IC2 1.95B. Also, I use Buildcraft 2.2.14, Additional pipes for BC, EE2 v1.4.5.1, Forestry, Iron Chests, Railcraft 5.2.4, Redpower 2 and NEI. Anyone have fix for this? Because it really annoys when you can't do anything with energy.

  • No, It's not Bukkit or Tekkit. I use Vanilla (maybe), I don't know really what's the name. I use server files downloaded from minecraft.net.