Bug:[canning machnines after relog]

  • On a Single-playerworld i tried to fill a fuel-can with three biofuelcells this worked, I was going to fill the rest with gunpowder,
    but as I relogged the progress on the fuel-can was lost, also the three biofuelcells were lost too.

    • Official Post

    On a Single-playerworld i tried to fill a fuel-can with three biofuelcells this worked, I was going to fill the rest with gunpowder,
    but as I relogged the progress on the fuel-can was lost, also the three biofuelcells were lost too.

    Lol, its still not fixed? I got that Bug in MC 1.8.1 and forgot to report it. XD

  • Going to be fixed.

    PSA: What is really delaying the release is FML. We have found using world ticks as a potential fix for the energynet bug, but FML only provides the ModLoader interface right now, which only provides render ticks. We're waiting on cpw to take off the final from the tick callback so we can override it.

    • Official Post

    PSA: What is really delaying the release is FML. We have found using world ticks as a potential fix for the energynet bug, but FML only provides the ModLoader interface right now, which only provides render ticks. We're waiting on cpw to take off the final from the tick callback so we can override it.

    I found Computercraft + Splittercable as a fix for that Bug, its working great if you have a Chunkloaddetector and a Splittercable.

  • Going to be fixed.

    PSA: What is really delaying the release is FML. We have found using world ticks as a potential fix for the energynet bug, but FML only provides the ModLoader interface right now, which only provides render ticks. We're waiting on cpw to take off the final from the tick callback so we can override it.

    In ModLoader.java:

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.