Bug:[One Superbiofuel generating more than 39000 EU]

  • I was playing in my Singelplayerworld.

    I was at the beginning with one generator and all most-needed machines, electric furnace, macerator, extractor, compressor, canning machine, one batbox between the generator and the machines.
    The batbox was empty.

    I put the superbiofuel, made of three biofuelcells and three gunpowder, into the generator, while all other machines were operating.

    I left too go do other things.
    As i came back the batbox was full, the generator was full and the machines were finished working.

    So more than 44000 EU were generated by only 1 superbiofuel.

    Also i might have left the chunk while it was processing if this could have an effekt.

  • I can NOT confirm this, In doing a test of this the highest of teh 6 conbos(not sure if order of adding matters) i only got as high as 35k. Setup was a gen next to a MFSU powering nothing


    It's the idea of playing with atomic power, I am not perfect, same as any other human. Therefor, human = mistakes, mistakes = bad things, bad things + atomic fusion = very bad things. :cursing: :Nuke TNT: :cursing:


    • Official Post

    I can NOT confirm this, In doing a test of this the highest of teh 6 conbos(not sure if order of adding matters) i only got as high as 35k. Setup was a gen next to a MFSU powering nothing

    Order of adding matters because Gunpowder is a Multiplier and Fuelcells are just adding a constant amount. So add the Dusts at last!

  • In each case i added the gunpower last.


    It's the idea of playing with atomic power, I am not perfect, same as any other human. Therefor, human = mistakes, mistakes = bad things, bad things + atomic fusion = very bad things. :cursing: :Nuke TNT: :cursing: