Bronze armor chestplate or composite armor vest?

  • IC wiki says that composite armor vest is more durable than an iron armor chestplate. How about a bronze chestplate, is composite armor vest more durable than it too?

  • IC wiki says that composite armor vest is more durable than an iron armor chestplate. How about a bronze chestplate, is composite armor vest more durable than it too?

    yea it is if you read about bronze tools it's the same as iron tools but just 30% longer life so

  • Dont get Durability and defense mixed up.
    Bronze is a more durable (Longer lasting) iron armor.
    I dont usually use composite vest but i think (Im not sure) they give you a higher defense against explosives.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • Dont get Durability and defense mixed up.
    Bronze is a more durable (Longer lasting) iron armor.
    I dont usually use composite vest but i think (Im not sure) they give you a higher defense against explosives.

    it can servive like 3 explosen