Assistance Needed in using the v1.97 API for modding [Resolved]

  • I am attempting to make some additional recipes for IC2. I have written mods in the past for personal use, mainly when MC was 1.00 and you could decompile IC2. Now I am attempting to use the API with undesirable results.
    I have MCP 6.2, forge src installed, and the IC2 API. Decompiles fine. Code will compile. Crashes MC when ran, the problem is that the Items.getItem returns a NULL ref. My mod loads after IC2.

    Below is a base example of what I am trying to do. Please let me know if I am using the API incorrectly, and if you could point me in the right direction. I have tried to approach this from many different angles, and am getting the same results (poor results).


  • I was able to get the mod operating correct. I ended up creating an ore handler via forge. Forge has its own version of modloader so the .addRecipe function is still valid. So basically, I am not using the IC2 API to do anything, I am using forge's ore dictionary. Problem resolved.