Have you gotten an opportunity to try out the new textures yet?
[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Repulsion Systems
i vote for keeping the Reactor Heat Control; because it makes a good emergency cooling system.
Now that there isn't true Causac's the need for emergency cooling isn't as great (reactor components come into it allot more).thoughts : cooling with ice/water was too easy, creating a super-explody-causac, or a simple+stable reactor with little inbetween; the idea of just cooling cooling cells i think is a good one, because they are potentially consumable, so if thigns go wrong, they can still go badly wrong with a poor design.
as for cooling with water vs lapis -- it depends on if you want to cool with a renewable resource or not. I would be in favor of not cooling with water, as that requires no effort to create. Ice,
creating lapis from uumatter is about 76k eu per lapis (assuming scrap), and you get 40k cooling from it. Everything produces more heat than EU, so it is a net energy loss to cool a reactor with UU constructed lapis. the same is for redstone (10k cooling from 28k EU spent).
twice compressed water->ice takes 1600 eu (standard compressor, worse with overclocking), or around 300 eu (advanced machines, fully spun up, and overclocked)
asuming that you can get snow for free, and have fully spun up advanced machine, the cheapest EU cost ice is about 150, so getting 100 cooling from ice is a net EU loss, if you used any machines in its making. - you gain, if you you silk-touched the ice, but you spent XP, and time to do that ...
An old causac could be cooled by 7 bocks/second to generate 2k eu/tick.
I am not against keeping ice as a cooling agent, because high power reactors create allot more heat than EU (4 Adjacent quad cell = 140 eu/t, 448 heat/second).
A new reactor with mostly double cells to generate 2k/tick generates over 5k heat/second - that would be 53 blocks a second. given that a fully spun up singularity compressor generates 2 blocks/second, the industrial requirements to actually do a full causac are very high.I vote for leaving water and ice in at their current cooling levels, because the new reactor structure makes it harder to cool via this mechanism.
Andrew -
Hey, Ive been playing around with the forcefields on my tekkit server for a while now, and have enjoyed them immensely. However, my next project I want to do is a biodome - type ish thing covering an entire island. The island in question is about 10 chunks across on average, so with the default radius of a forcefield (32) It will barely cover half the island. Im wondering how I could edit the max radius of a forcefield on my tekkit server, if there is a way.
I took a look around in the /mods/mffs_rev7_for_1.2.5-bukkit files, but my understanding of how to code and read code is... Limited. Google hasn't helped me at all either. Also, I asked on the technic forums, still awaiting a reply from anyone =/.
Anyways, Good job on the mod! So many possibilities for good looking, indestructible, and lethal creations
. It is very good on pvp servers, I havent needed to make a hidden base to not get greifed in a while.
Hey, Ive been playing around with the forcefields on my tekkit server for a while now, and have enjoyed them immensely. However, my next project I want to do is a biodome - type ish thing covering an entire island. The island in question is about 10 chunks across on average, so with the default radius of a forcefield (32) It will barely cover half the island. Im wondering how I could edit the max radius of a forcefield on my tekkit server, if there is a way.
There is a config option for max radius in the settings
Could you add a fusion upgrade like the one in mffs but instead of attaching it to projectors it should be attached to the generator cores. This would allow you to make seamless irregularly shaped fields more easily, especially with spheres and domes.
This mod really needs its config file renamed. Have a good one!
Confused. No items show up in inventory, so I am led to believe this is a bug? I'm currently trying to do a homebuild tekkit upgrade to 1.3.2. Please reply, and if its me being stupid, then I apologize for wasting your time. Thanks in advance for any support.
BTW I'm using 1.3.2 just to throw it out there, and I am using immibis core.
Confused. No items show up in inventory, so I am led to believe this is a bug? I'm currently trying to do a homebuild tekkit upgrade to 1.3.2. Please reply, and if its me being stupid, then I apologize for wasting your time. Thanks in advance for any support.
BTW I'm using 1.3.2 just to throw it out there, and I am using immibis core.
Maybe because rev7 isn't for 1.3.2.
Maybe because rev7 isn't for 1.3.2.
But but it says right in the file name its for 1.2.5 how can it not be 1.3.2???
Have the two MFFS mods come far enough apart that I can use both at once?
But but it says right in the file name its for 1.2.5 how can it not be 1.3.2???
Tekkit users in a nutshell.
Have the two MFFS mods come far enough apart that I can use both at once?
What do you mean by "come far enough apart"? I'm pretty certain you could always use both mods at the same time couldn't you?
What do you mean by "come far enough apart"? I'm pretty certain you could always use both mods at the same time couldn't you?
As one is a continuation of the other, I wasn't sure whether having both would cause problems, such as when you use both Advanced Machines Addons.
As one is a continuation of the other, I wasn't sure whether having both would cause problems, such as when you use both Advanced Machines Addons.
Having never personally tested it, I'm not the best person to answer this, but I would assume that they work together as one uses upgrades and the other uses blocks
I have both versions running.
However I do get several errors:
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11110 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemPersonalIDWriter@7fcb943b while adding immibis.ars.I
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11111 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemDebugger@21812629 while adding immibis.ars.ItemMFD_d
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11115 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemCardEmpty@5a0c10b6 while adding immibis.ars.ItemCard
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11116 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemCardPowerLink@473d874e while adding immibis.ars.Item
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11118 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemExtractorUpgradeBooster@7ee4c79c while adding immibi
012-10-21 19:39:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 11119 item slot already occupied by chb.mods.mffs.common.ItemCapacitorUpgradeRange@3eb34e1a while adding immibis.
rs.ItemMFD_offset@6dccad1eIt does not stop you from running server and logging in with client (I always play using my own server so others can join in if they want) but i noticed that I could not craft a Forcefield EU injector.
The item itself exists however (could generate one with too many items).So i'd like a comment from the author about this:
Is it really possible (i did not test it properly yet because of that crafting issue)? And if, is it advisable?
Can you fix the above conflicts?I started with the original version at first but want to try this one now and see what i like better...
You have an ID conflict (well, more than one) because I haven't changed the default IDs. As both mods use the same config file, this could be tricky to resolve, but probably not impossible (especially as this one still has its block IDs in those weirdly named sections for compatibility). The config file will be renamed in the next version.
The EU injector is no longer necessary, you can connect cables directly to your core. -
Old recipes
Forcefield core
Area projector
Tube projector
Deflector (plate projector)
Directional projector (line projector)
Blank card
Directional extender
Note: The textures of blocks in this post are outdated
Industrial tesla coil
The industrial tesla coil is similar to the normal tesla coil but with a larger range, upgrades, and programmable targetting.
This is the recipe:Place one of these and wire it to power, and it will sit there shooting the nearest entity within 10 blocks every second, provided it has enough power.
That's not very interesting by itself, but that's why we created upgrades and filters!Filters
This is the state-of-the-art J-9001 Remote Targeting Computer, or the programmable filter for short. It's actually not very advanced.When you place one, the first thing you will notice is the Linking Amalgamated-Silicon Electro-Radiation Beam (or LASER Beam for short) emitted from one side of the device:
This is used to connect the J-9001 Remote Targeting Computer to the industrial tesla coil.
Computers can also be chained:
Don't ask about that crater in the background.If you open the interface panel by right-clicking, you will see the following scary-looking GUI:
Think of this like a redstone circuit. The slots are where you can place logic gates, and the lines show the connections between them.
The connections are built-in to the structure of the J-9001 and cannot be changed. However, you can make your own structure by chaining multiple J-9001's - more on this in the advanced section.
The slot on the far right is special - related to chaining - and is also discussed in the advanced section.
As an example, this filter will target players and dropped items:
Since we haven't explained the tokens yet:
* The iron token detects dropped items.
* The stick figure token detects players.
* The U token is like an OR gate.
Data flow is from left to right, so this targets all entities that are items or players.Here are all available tokens. There are also several other items which can be used to detect certain things.
From left to right:
Player detector token - targets only players
AND/OR/NOT token - Like an AND/OR/NOT gate. The NOT token also works as NOR.
Blank token - targets nothing, only used in the crafting of other tokens
Life detector token - targets all living things
Redstone input token - targets everything if the filter block is receiving a redstone signal, or nothing otherwise.
Animal detector token - targets passive mobs
Mob detector token - targets hostile mobs
Item detector token - targets dropped itemsCrafting recipes are given in a later section.
Upgrades are mostly quite simple compared to filters. Like the filter, you need to link one to a tesla coil by pointing the LASER Beam at the tesla coil.Range upgrade: (Adds 10 blocks range)
Speed upgrade: (Decreases the time between shots by 9%)
Wavelength shift upgrade: (Makes the lightning bolt effect invisible, so you just have random death everywhere)
Remote potion applicator:
Place splash potions in this machine's inventory, and every time the tesla coil shoots a living entity the first potion will be used on it.
It has a 9 slot inventory, similar to a dispenser.Loot collector:
This machine has a 9-slot inventory, plus an extra filter slot. When the tesla coil shoots a dropped item matching the item in the filter slot,
the item will be teleported to the loot collector's inventory.
You must set a filter - only one type of item can be collected. You can use more than one loot collector to collect more than one type of items.EMP upgrade:
This machine accepts EU separately from the main tesla coil, and has a very large internal storage of 1 million EU. When the tesla coil shoots a player wearing electric armour, the energy stored in the EMP upgrade will be used to drain energy from the armour. This happens at a 1:1 ratio - ie 1000 EU will be consumed to drain 1000 EU from the player's armour.
Only one EMP upgrade will be used per shot. It will be the one with the most stored energy, so you can use several if you want more storage.
The energy will be drained first from the player's chestplate, then their legs, then helmet, then boots.Upgrade multiplexer:
If you've got here you've probably wondered how to attach more than 6 upgrades to a tesla coil. The upgrade multiplexer is the answer.
It has one output side, like other upgrades, but all other sides are inputs. You can connect several other upgrades to the upgrade multiplexer, and it will have the powers of all of them when you connect it at a tesla coil or another upgrade multiplexer.
They can be chained, of course - this is different from filter chaining, but is done the same way and is easy to understand.Filter chaining (advanced)
As I mentioned earlier, J-9001 Remote Targeting Computers can be chained together like so:
Any side except the output side can be used as an input.
These slots are relevant here. The coloured squares represent other programmable filters pointing at this one. Clicking on the red X will toggle it.In this mode, those filters will be passed to the rightmost token, as they did before version 55.1.0.
In this mode, they will not. (Note that in this case, the only useful token to put in the rightmost slot is a NOT token, or the slot can be left blank)
You can use the coloured input tokens in either mode to specifically access inputs.
E.g. the green input token targets everything that the filter on the green side targets.All inputs, as well as the final slot of a filter, are passed to the token in the rightmost slot of that filter.
The previous example (detecting items and players) could be constructed like this, using one filter per token:Forcefield filter
Combine an energy modulator with a programmable filter to get a forcefield filter.
This must be placed next to a tube or area projector (including diagonals) and it will target any entities inside the forcefield. If you want to target entities outside the forcefield, you'll have to use a programmable filter with a NOT token.
The recipe is shapeless.Item detection filter
Combine an ender pearl with a programmable filter to get an item detection filter.
This has an inventory with one slot. It will target all players who have a matching item in their inventory. So if you put an obscure item in, such as a small pile of iron dust in this and also carry one around with you, you have a non-OP key system. Of course, this means the tesla coil will only shoot you - so again, you'll want to invert it by passing the signal through a programmable filter with a NOT token.
(Cue 9001 Tekkit players using small piles of iron dust as their key)
It does compare NBT data, so it should work with things like the cards from Immibis's Peripherals (the label and data will have to match) or Forestry bees if you want a real key.Token recipes
Blank tokens are crafted like this:
Any token can also be crafted by itself to reset it to a blank token. Example:In the following recipes, no items are consumed except for the blank token.
Other items that work as tokens
Redstone dust - same as a redstone input token
Cobblestone - same as an item detector token
Gunpowder - targets all creepers
Egg - targets all chickens
Raw beef - targets all cows
Raw pork - targets all pigs
Wool, any colour - targets all sheep
Water bucket - targets all squid
Ender pearl - targets all endermen
Bone - targets all wolves
Gold nugget - targets all zombie pigmen
Blaze rod - targets all blazes
Rotten flesh - targets all zombies (including zombie pigmen)
Ghast tear - targets all ghasts
Magma cream - targets all magma cubes
Bow - targets all skeletons
Slimeball - targets all slimes
Snowball - targets all snowmen
Iron ingot - targets all iron golems
Arrow - targets all flying arrows (for people who want a ninja defense system, HAYO)Some numbers
The amount of damage done with each shot is proportional to the square root of the energy used in the shot. 5000 EU will do 15 hearts of damage.
At the default speed, you should need 112 EU/t to kill one unarmoured player every second. This also means that faster speeds are more efficient.By default, the tesla coil fires one shot every 20 ticks. It will not fire if it has less than 500 EU stored.
When attacking a dropped item, no more than 384 EU and 3 ticks will be used per shot - the damage will be scaled accordingly, but dropped items take very little damage to destroy.
50.1.0 is out. I will not be held responsible if you forget to rename your config file.
This requires an update to Immibis Core.- Changed: Renamed config file to AdvancedRepulsionSystems.cfg to avoid conflict with MFFS.
- Changed: Moved textures from /mffs_grafik to /immibis/ars/textures to avoid conflicts with MFFS. This will break existing texture packs!
- Changed: New forcefield machine textures by Ivysaur1996.
- Changed: New tesla machine textures by kaj_says. (Except the temporary ones)
- Changed: Many recipes.
- Changed: Built-in storage of a forcefield core decreased from 10M to 1M forcepower (100k EU).
- Changed: Default range of a forcefield core increased from 8 to 16 blocks.
- Changed: Blank card recipe now creates 8 cards.
- Changed: Right click will not open GUIs if you're sneaking, instead of if you're holding a lever or ARS block.
- Changed: In 1.3.2 the coolant injector will recharge RSH and LZH condensators using lapis and redstone from its inventory.
- Changed: Blank cards stack to 64.
- Removed: ID tool MFDevice from the code.
- Removed: reactor link MFDevice from the code.
- Removed: old (useless) ID cards from the code.
- Removed: oldNames option.
- Added: Industrial tesla coil and related blocks. Uses two more block IDs - one for the machines and one for the "lasers."
- Added: Speed, EMP, range, and suppressor upgrades for industrial tesla coils.
- Added: Upgrade multiplexers (for tesla coil upgrades)
- Added: Programmable filters, logic tokens, forcefield filters, and item detection filters (for tesla coil target filtering) Some items besides logic tokens are acceptable in programmable filters.
- Added: Loot collector (tesla coil upgrade)
- Added: Remote potion applicator (tesla coil upgrade)
- Added: Config option to disable tesla coil etc (disables registration of those block IDs)
- Added: Config option to disable reactor-related blocks (disables recipes only)
- Added: Config option for extra storage from a storage upgrade.
- Added: Config option for default storage of a forcefield core.
- Added: Config option for default range of a forcefield core.
- Added: You can now right click on a core with a blank card to encode it.
- Added: You can now right click on a projector with a frequency card to insert it.
- Renamed: some items that had MFFS in their name
- Renamed: directional projector to "Line forcefield projector"
- Renamed: directional extender to "Line projector extender"
- Renamed: deflector to "Plate forcefield projector"
- Renamed: reactor heat control to "Reactor coolant injector"
- Fixed: Tube projectors now retain their X and Y offset between world loads.
- Fixed: Reactor coolers now use their "active" texture when they're active.
- Fixed: Machines not updating visually until a block near them changed.
- Re-added: Recipes for reactor blocks (if enabled)
Also, the OP exceeded 10k characters, so I had to split it up.
If the LASER Beam linking system works well, it may be used for other things in the future. -
Wow, can't wait until DW20 makes a mod spotlight on this.