Problem Energy Transfer

  • Hello,
    I have played with IC2 for a while and I usually never have problems but I have been on a server and I just recently encountered a problem I can't seem to fix.
    The server has a mega energy hub pretty far away from where a city is being formed. I set up a house and hooked up all the wires but when I go to the machines to use them, the electricity wasn't flowing in them. I went back to the hub to check that everything was wired and it was. I went back to the house and "magically" the machines were getting energy. I started to use the machines but then they ran out in 30 seconds. I went back to the hub to check again, and again, everything was fine. I go back to the house and there is energy flowing in the machines again "magically." Of course they run out again almost instantly.

    I don't have much of a clue why this is happening but I think it has to do with the energy hub being too far away. From what I heard on servers is that things are only simulated(wheat growing, furnaces turning working, ect.) at a certain amount of chunks away. Is it possible that because the energy hub is too far away, the energy isn't being "simulated." Thanks.

  • This sounds like a chunk loading issue... don't ask me how to fix it. It is intended in vanilla MC that the chunks that aren't being played in get unloaded to save memory. There are blocks in a few mods that load the chunk that the block is in. Two mods that I know of that add a block like this are RailCraft and the Buildcraft addon teleport pipes.