Agriculture Coffee Bean Bug (SMP)

  • In the server I play on, I can harvest all plants and they give me their produce, all except coffee. Whenever I right click on the Coffee Bean plant, it doesn't give me any Coffee Beans, all that happens is is the texture of the coffee beans disappears. The server owner tried restarting but still no beans. I tried breaking the plant to see if that helped, all it gave me were seeds, which I then planted and yet still no beans. If anyone has a fix I can tell the owner, please say so.

  • You have low chance of getting coffee or products of other high tier plants if its gain value isn't high enough (probably that is the case, I rarely got coffee from my first plants). Also you can get coffee only when plant have light brown beans, not dark brown ones (they also disappear when harvested, but doesn't give you coffee). Wait more time for it to grew fully and try to raise its gain stat, if it doesn't help update your bug report.