SMP crash by removing Personal safes

  • Hi everyone

    Whenever I try to remove an emty personal safe that I own I get disconnected from my server. No error message just DC.

    I wonder if this is something others have experianced aswell and also if there is a fix.


  • Could you elaborate as to which version this is suppose to be fixed in? I am running the most recent public version, 1.97, and am still seeing this issue...

    Thank you in advance.

  • Thanks Monoxide,

    Good to know that sarcasm is alive and well in the youth of Canada..... I could have assumed as much as you have said. Since no version numbers had been specified, I just wanted a simple clarification.



  • I wasn't being sarcastic and didn't mean to come off that way. That's just the best answer anyone can give you :P
    I believe they're working on a final release for 1.2.5 and I'm assuming it'll be out shortly so they can get on with porting to 1.3.1 (once forge is updated, of course. Lex said the first Forge update will be ready today or tomorrow.)