I would like to use the IC2 source code to make my own generator and energy storage block. I wanted to use the solar panel and mfsu for these examples. I am not sure if the IC2 api includes what I need, even if it does, I would still like the IC2 code for the examples. Would this be possible?

IC2 Source Code
I would like to use the IC2 source code to make my own generator and energy storage block. I wanted to use the solar panel and mfsu for these examples. I am not sure if the IC2 api includes what I need, even if it does, I would still like the IC2 code for the examples. Would this be possible?
IC²-Code is not recommended as these Storageunits are based on special MetaDataSensitive Blocks. The API has all what you need. Just implement the Interfaces and add your TileEntity to the E-net, and it should work. (sometimes...)
My Lightningrod is a pure API-User, and my electric Chunkloader does consume Energy via API (but it doesnt load Chunks...). Of course i looked at the IC²-Source to see how they did it, and i'm still searching for the Part, from where the "onCreation"-Function is called, but i got it to work somehow.
OK, I will try the API, I will keep my fingers crossed that I can look at the IC2 src.