Water Mill Crash

  • Please help me with this crash log. What I did was put a water bucket into a water mill to generate some EU and the game crashed.
    The world save wont load anymore giving me this same crash log every time.

    The strange thing is that even though in the crash log it says "buildcraft.api.BuildCraftAPI.getLiquidForFilledItem" I don't have Buildcraft installed.
    I was also playing offline if it makes any difference. (All other generators worked fine.)
    I also used MCedit to delete the water mill so I could keep playing that world.

    Thank you for your time.

    • Official Post

    look at the BC-API's of Forestry and probalby EE. One of them conflicts with the BC_API-Version of IC².

    BTW, NEI goes still into the minecraft.jar

  • The conflict in question looks to be with Forestry. I ran into this exact problem and removing Forestry from my mods resolved it quite nicely.

    Crash log attached just in case it comes in handy.

  • I didn't know you could mod mods like that, but it makes sense when one thinks about it. On the other hand Forestry pitches an absolute fit (read crashes) if you remove its buildcraft API. On the gripping hand though IC2 seems to do just fine without it.

    If you've never done it before, here's how I got it working (your mileage may vary). Backup your saves and make a copy of the IC2 jar (always good to work off a copy when you're likely to break things), open the IC2 jar and delete its META-INF, next in the ic2 folder delete the bcIntegration31x and bcIntegration22x folders, then test in a test world, and test in your saved game (you did backup your save just in case right?).

    Also, I love a well organized file structure when doing things like this. <3 <3

    In theory, should anyone trying this run into any problems as long as they're not running buildcraft?

  • Did you tried to install BuildCraft to add required API?

    Sorry for my bad English - I'm Russian.
    GENERATION 25: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the

    generation. Social experiment.