I was wearing a charged quantum helmet when i started taking starve damage... not actual hearts taken off but i was getting hit and i was in my house...
Bug? This is making me sad like him -->

Buggy quantum helmet
Was it charged? Were you in the nether or end?
It was charged, I started starving in the nether and kept on starving in my home in the overworld
I noticed this as well on my private server. Backdating forge to 160- fixes it.
That's related to the machine rotation bug (server not sending out world ticks properly). Use 3.4.9 with the FMLServerHandler fix.
That's related to the machine rotation bug (server not sending out world ticks properly). Use 3.4.9 with the FMLServerHandler fix.
3.4.9 Didn't fix it for my server. not the machine rotation bug, not the energy flow bug, not the quantum helmet bug. forge 152 was the only solution that worked for me -
With the FMLServerHandler patch?
forge 152 was the only solution that worked for me
in SMP? What version of IC are you using? Because my last foray into Forge 152 was an awful, awful mess in SMP.
152 works fine with 1.97. I have many people who play on my server using 152, including myself.