[Bug] BC-Liquidcontainers not working, when BC is not installed

    • Official Post

    I finally got Forestry properly working without BC (first time i derped, by forgetting to delete the IC²-API inside it), and after i tried, to insert a Refractorycapsule of Lava, into a Geogenerator, the game crashed, because the BC-Integrationpart wasn't loaded...

    Edit: This happens everytime i insert any Item (I tried Oaklogs for example) in the Bottomslot of the Geothermal Generator! And it corrupts the World everytime! (Good for you, that i can decorrupt Worlds)

  • I don't think this is something IC2 can fix -- you're missing a mod providing the Buildcraft API. Though I would've expected Forestry to provide it. It might be faster to bug Sengir about it.

    • Official Post

    I don't think this is something IC2 can fix -- you're missing a mod providing the Buildcraft API. Though I would've expected Forestry to provide it. It might be faster to bug Sengir about it.

    IC² has a "special" BC-API, which is only getting loaded, when BC is loaded.

    Using that API like any other Mod would do, would have the Sideeffect, that IC² has to come in two diffrent Versions (one for BC2 and one for BC3). And btw, Forestry has the BC-API.

    The Geogenerator/Watermill should have at least a try/catch around that Part, to prevent Worldcorruption.

    Edit: New Error for Watercapsules any item except IC²-Watercells

  • IC² has a "special" BC-API, which is only getting loaded, when BC is loaded.

    Using that API like any other Mod would do, would have the Sideeffect, that IC² has to come in two diffrent Versions (one for BC2 and one for BC3).

    Ah, comprendo. I had wondered how that particular trick was achieved.

    Trycatching time... I'm still heavily in for a 1.103b

    Yes, there do seem to be a batch of small fixes coming together, aren't there?