Everybody knows, that using reactor for high eff requires tricky cooling. Tricky cooling is a PIS (pain in the ass). While idiots experiment with setups in-game, most normal people use planner. There is one thing, that all of us TRULY hate - remembering position of vents, reflectors, exchangers,heating and tons of brain-killing stuff, so what can greatly help from this pis? A reactor setup library can.
What a heck is that? It actually is pair of blocks, which do what - 1st is used to generate reactor setup blueprints from existing files from minecraft folder(or whereever) and is also used to write ingame-made blueprint items to new blueprint files (In case, someone will ever do that )
The other block is blueprint holder, which we connect to reactor itself. We dump our ready blueprint item into blueprint holder and HYATO, our blueprint shows what to place where. As well, we can write our ready reactor setup to blueprint, if that is what takes to be happy :D.
Idea was inspired by friggin eye-killing huge 6 chambers setups, BC blueprint library and NEI, which shows crafting recepie in crafting table directly.

[Suggestion] Reactor blueprints and memory cards
- Sliderpro
- Closed
Gregoruis-T's addon, Greg tech, adds a lot off cool stuff (lighting rod, fusion reactor, e.t.c)
One of them is the G.L.A.D-OS, wich can do many things and work has a reactor planner. Check it out! [Addon][SMP][IC² 1.106+] GregTech-Addon V1.16a: Fusionreactors, Lightningrods, Reactorplanners, Wireless Energytransfer, and more!
Why do all those people who suggest Stuff, stealing my Ideas right before i wanna implement them? My Ingamereactorplanner can already work as Reactorblueprintdatabase, i wanted to improve it by adding Datadisks to it, in the next Version of my Addon.
And PIS isnt "pain in the ass", PITA is "pain in the ass".
Also its "HAYO!" and not "HYATO!". We are not a japanese Carcompany.
Why do all those people who suggest Stuff, stealing my Ideas right before i wanna implement them? My Ingamereactorplanner can already work as Reactorblueprintdatabase, i wanted to improve it by adding Datadisks to it, in the next Version of my Addon.
And PIS isnt "pain in the ass", PITA is "pain in the ass".
Also its "HAYO!" and not "HYATO!". We are not a japanese Carcompany.
There will always be people that dont know everything about a mod and his addons, despite experience.
No need to flame it, atleast he's not a tinpitcher.
Not much to say here, bye
This wasnt ment to be flaming. I was just already implementing the Dataorbs (yay, a new better Name), while i read this Suggestion.
And i didnt want to fix his wording until i saw the "HYATO".
mistake a smart move, wasn't it?
By the way I realised new computer block functions ONLY some minutes ago, as I was playing your older-version mod w\o such function
great job there