Cooling cells:
Seem a bit useless now they only store heat. I think they should slightly cool too.
10k cooling cell = 1 cooling
30k cooling cell = 3 cooling
60k cooling cell = 6 cooling (ye i know that the same amount a normal vent cools but a 60k cooling cell is alot more expensive)
They are just too damn expensive too refill. Lets say in the best situation possible we have 1 single uranium cell. This produces 4 heat and 5eu/tick. This automatically means you have to refill your condensator every 1000000 eu. Now take a more realisitic situation because you wont be using condensators to run just 1 uran cell. 4 quad cells touching each other making 400eu/tick and 960 heat and you will get only 333333 eu per lapis. Condensators arent exactly cheap to make either. Lapis and redstone should cool more because atm i dont really see ppl will use them. Its quite alot of extra fuel costs on top of the uranium costs.
We got alot of components now but only half of them are being used. Lets change that.