No more comment needed right?
He tried to get to iron behind bedrock, so the miner just mined its way through....
My miner just mined bedrock....
- Gorni
- Closed
Jup, somebody messed up the Drill coding big time without me noticing... Drills mine unlimitedly and quite everything now, including Bedrock. Miner uses Drill-Code, thus it mines bedrock too.
yay happy bedrock mining ahead! ABSOLUT CREEPER AND NUKE PROOF HOUSE!!! XD (almost legit achieved)
I know what I am using with my reactor setup now =)
Someone beat me to it, but yeah that will make an amazing shielding for my reactors.
I don't think THIS bug should be fixed
No it should be kept but it should only work with the mining laser on long range at point blank (and of course, the bedrock is the only thing mined)