• the maximum eu is limited to a packet size, what you got is a packet size Stack.

    the highest "transferable" packet size is 2048 eu. stackable up to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

    -edit packets get added to each other for your "EU-reader" so he shows up all packets additional

  • Okay,

    If I try to emit 5 Eu in a 512 Eu package, what happens?

    512/5= 512 Eu/102.4t ?

    And if I try a 2048 Eu package put in 512 Eu packages, what happens?
    But if no mfe after the hv transforner the other 3 packages are lost or .....?

  • Okay,

    If I try to emit 5 Eu in a 512 Eu package, what happens?

    512/5= 512 Eu/102.4t ?

    I don't understand the question, putting a 5 eu packet into a 512 eu cable will make it go through the cable normally


    And if I try a 2048 Eu package put in 512 Eu packages, what happens?
    But if no mfe after the hv transforner the other 3 packages are lost or .....?

    The 2048 eu packet would be made into 4 512 eu packets, it would only go through the cable to the transformer if there was an MFE or some other machine on the other side even if it doesn't take HV power

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Quote from CrafterOfMines57

    I don't understand the question, putting a 5 eu packet into a 512 eu cable will make it go through the cable normally

    Sorry, the question is: Is there a transformer betwene the 5 EU and 512 EU package, what happens.
    Case1: The transformer Emit every 512/5= 102.4t a 512 EU package?
    Case2: The transformer Emit directly 5 EU/t

    If i understand it, it must case 1 because after a transformer the package size is 512EU/t !

    Quote from CrafterOfMines57

    The 2048 eu packet would be made into 4 512 eu packets, it would only go through the cable to the transformer if there was an MFE or some other machine on the other side even if it doesn't take HV power

    Okay, and if there is a Machine on other side that requires 32EU/t ?
    What happens with the other packages?

    Case 1: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and drop 3 because only one consumer is connected?
    Case 2: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and store 3 because only one consumer is connected? (2048/512=4 --> Every 4 tick emit a HV Transformer EU?)

    Thanks again for all the answers, but I try to just understand the system properly.

  • Sorry, the question is: Is there a transformer betwene the 5 EU and 512 EU package, what happens.
    Case1: The transformer Emit every 512/5= 102.4t a 512 EU package?
    Case2: The transformer Emit directly 5 EU/t

    If i understand it, it must case 1 because after a transformer the package size is 512EU/t !

    It works like Case1, the transformer collect energy until he reach 512 EU than emit a single packet of that size, BTW, u need 2 transformers to do that, LV and MV so the LV collect 5 EU/t (even if it can accept 32EU/t MAX) and send a total of 4x128 EU packets to the MV that transform it again into 1x 512.

    Okay, and if there is a Machine on other side that requires 32EU/t ?
    What happens with the other packages?

    Case 1: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and drop 3 because only one consumer is connected?
    Case 2: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and store 3 because only one consumer is connected? (2048/512=4 --> Every 4 tick emit a HV Transformer EU?)

    Thanks again for all the answers, but I try to just understand the system properly.

    The transformer that transform down the EU, store the energy into the output buffer, not in the input like previous example.
    It takes a 2048, store it into his buffer, and than, he sand 1x512 packets when needed. When his internal buffer go down to 0 (all 4 packets consumed) it pick up from the enet another 2048 EU/t and start again.
    If the machine require 32EU/t u need all the 3 tier transformers in sequence to make that work, this mean that the HV feed the MV with 512EU/t, the MV feed the LV with 128EU/t, and the LV finally feed the machines with 32EU/t. Otherwise, if u don't down grade in this way, the machine request eu from the enet, the transformer send his packet of 512, and the machine explode because can accepts only 32 EU/t. Machine with upgrade transformers have the same functionality but build in.
    Side note: if in this case the input of the HV transformer is less than 2048, it simply accumulate EU until he have enough to send a 512 packets and store the rest in the buffer...

    the concept is this:
    i have request of eu? no -> goto sleep
    yes -> do this:
    is the EU i have in buffer enough to send one pakets of mine? no -> take another pakets from the enet, store in buffer, repeat.
    yes -> send transformed EU paket, if i have eu left store it in the buffer.