Alternate sources of Eu from other mods

    • Official Post

    At half a stack of coal (or alternatively, 72 charcoal and a lot of infrastructure) per windmill those are pretty effectively nerfed too. Silicon I at least get as a byproduct.

    Well, you can make plates from sugar canes if you have a bit of infrastructure.

  • Also, at 20 EU/t, and only requiring some refined iron, tin cells, and glass... I'd say the Geothermal generator are the best bang for your buck. Set them up in blocks like an automated bucket brigade watermill setup, and it produces twenty times the EU/t.

    Nine geothermal generators take up the same space as a nuclear plant, is far cheaper, and produces at least 180 EU/t. However, building a wall of 25 geothermals will net you 500 EU/t, which beats any nuclear generator, and almost matches an HV Solar. In fact, considering it runs 24/7, it BEATS an HV Solar since it doesn't have downtime. Keep it filled from nether easily enough, either through tesseracts or through liquid transposers and enderchests.

    On DW20's server play, he pulled out millions of buckets of lava before they had to move it, the spot they moved it to was within line of sight of where the old one was. And it took a month of the server being online all the time to do it.

    Really, it's the cheapest per eu output solution. It can be put anywhere, even deep underground, doesn't have a large footprint (unless you want to have multiple XYcraft tanks in tandem as a reservoir like DW20 did), and can be done from your first level of tech, just needing generators, tin cells, and glass.

  • Well, you can make plates from sugar canes if you have a bit of infrastructure.

    I would just like to comment that while you can make (I assume we are talking about carbon plates here) carbon plates from sugar canes and other assorted items with carbon cells, just remember that cells are one tin a piece with the default gregtech configs. Meaning one carbon plate using carbon cells costs you 18 tin(9 carbon cells per raw carbon fibre). Making it pretty expensive to me. Coal is much easier to find than tin.

    I prefer to just extract the carbon to get the cell back. otherwise I would be suffering a very dire tin shortage, right now, rather than just a tin shortage. Heh, I tend to mine too low, all those diamonds, redstone and lapis are hard to resist.

    Hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff :)

  • The reports I've been hearing are 2-3 days per pump. Also, you ahve to put down a gigantic chunkloader, there's not much of a worse way to use server resources. Though, quantum tank could fix that if the output is high enough.

    • Official Post

    I would just like to comment that while you can make (I assume we are talking about carbon plates here) carbon plates from sugar canes and other assorted items with carbon cells, just remember that cells are one tin a piece with the default gregtech configs. Meaning one carbon plate using carbon cells costs you 18 tin(9 carbon cells per raw carbon fibre). Making it pretty expensive to me. Coal is much easier to find than tin.

    I prefer to just extract the carbon to get the cell back. otherwise I would be suffering a very dire tin shortage, right now, rather than just a tin shortage. Heh, I tend to mine too low, all those diamonds, redstone and lapis are hard to resist.

    Use electric crafting table and you won't waste the cells, so you can re-use them forever and produce carbon plates as long you supply the system sugar cane.

  • Ah ha! thank you SpwnX! I am still getting into gregtech. Done so much but only scratched the surface.

    Hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff :)