Another way to nuclear energy

  • Would like to get feedback on my idea.

    The new elements of the mod:

    1 Nuclear pile(NP)

    2 Green lava

    3 heat exchanger

    4 the fuel-the mass

    5 Liquid sodium

    6 Liquid sodium (green)

    7 the Green liquid

    8 Turbine (available in Railcraft or produce the like)

    Green Chapter:

    It melt fuel. Has the properties of usual lava, but green. Near the blocks
    become toxic(like ICBM mod). Explodes on contact with water (the explosion as
    dynamite). The property is burn units, in addition to stone and even some. Cool
    you can only liquid sodium. During cooling turns into poison “green pack”

    Nuclear pile(NP)

    NP allocates only thermal energy.

    You can make it so that it fits fuel Assembly
    If the car overheats, NP melts near blocks and makes a poisonous atmosphere (as
    with the explosion of the reactor in the IC2 1.106).

    At the critical temperature, NP melts and turns into a green lava.

    Cooling NP using heat transfer medium: water or liquid sodium.

    The coolant water:

    Passing one time through the NP, turns into a green liquid and becomes toxic
    properties. At the outlet of the NP green fluid gets temperature (equivalent to
    the energy). The higher the temperature, the faster it goes down the tube.

    The coolant liquid sodium:

    Has the same properties as water. Different thermal conductivity.

    The unit heat exchanger.

    In this unit, the water turns into steam, when a device is the coolant from the
    NP, steam takes the temperature, with which your carrier. The medium is
    impossible to get energy in the turbine. To do this you need a heat exchanger.
    In him is served heat carrier (with the temperature of NP) and goes back to
    zero temperature. Passing through the NP coolant become poisonous. On the other
    hand is fed into the heat exchanger is water and comes in the form of a pair
    assigned to a temperature of the coolant.

    Temperature affects the amount of energy turbines.

    Sorry for my bad English. Translating Google
    translator :love:

  • This seems pretty useless, if even usefull at all, you didnt even explained correctly what this is.

    PS: Im no grammar nazy, but, Mat, its "havent"

    The Viper will hide in the shadows... unseen... unheard... and when you least expect, she strikes.

  • ^ Or "don't", if you mean to imply "don't you guys also think so?".

    As to the idea itself, it scans like a fairly complex production system. Does Universal Electricity have nuclear reactors yet? You might try shopping your suggestion on Calclavia's forum, if not.

  • where this topic have you seen? I write this topic the first time

    Maybe that's my mistake ... but I remember of a suggestion looking like tghat, with new Nuclear Components, Green Lava etc ... Am I a soothsayer ? ^^

    For my mistake: I wrote it without thinking, and it was supposed to mean something like "don't you agreed ?" ... as I was busy somewhere else, I didn't even notice the mistake ^^ (why ARE ? Because in french we say more currently "I am fine" than "I agree with". Anyway, thanks for correcting ^^

    Liquid Sodium can be used as Coolant for Reactors? I will look into that.

    Nope. More like way of storing Heat/using this Heat to produce electricity. It's definitely not a "coolant" as it's not something that is heat-conductive (if so, it wouldn't be as a way of storing heat ^^)

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • I KNOW that. But, have you ever seen on IC² Steam Based Cooling Items ? (Vents are not ^^) Though, it exist (I know that, because I'm french, pro-Nuclear and because France is (was ?) spending a lot of money in Nuclear Energy Generation).
    Anyway, if it had to be implemented, it would more likely be a way of cooling slowly but also storing heat for EU-Generation after Ura-Endlife.
    Greg! We need you on that! A coolant that allow you to increase Reactor Efficienty but also increasing cooling time (because it will generate EU while decreasing). It would also replace the old way of working of the coolant cells. But, Sodium is an expensive product :D

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D