How to decompile IC2?

  • How to decompile IC2? I need to look at the code :/
    I've tried to look at GregoriusT tutorial, but it's strange and it didn't work?

  • with you skills you definely dont need source.

    Implying that you know me.
    BTW, i want to make an electric pickaxe (like mining drill) but in game it's like a normal pickaxe (gets damage by using and after that it gets destroyed)
    That's why i need to decompile IC2, becuase i need to take a look at the mining drill code.
    Or if "i'm too noob" to decompile (*facepalm*) please tell me what's wrong in the code:

    Base mod class

    ItemMetaDrillE (the electric pickaxe)

    I also don't know what to put in getChargedItemId and getEmptyItemId if it's now metadata :/
    What should i put here, and if i did something wrong, what should i fix?

  • He did not imply that you were noobish, he said that "with [your] skills", you don't need to decompile-aka if you don't know how to decompile, then you don't need to. Like DZCreeper said, use the API.

  • Quote

    if you don't know how to decompile, then you don't need to


    your code totaly wrong, if you edit drill you dont need to reimplement it, just extend drill class from IC2 and call super everywhere.