Water mills not generating power

  • I'm having an issue with the infinite power watermill design. The design appears to be built exactly the same as all the tutorial videos I've seen, but some mills will often cease working, despite the fact they are full of water and have a fresh water bucket available. I've tried starving the mills by removing buckets from the system and adding extra buckets, neither of which has a positive effect.

    Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? I have no idea how to fix it. and I'm currently stuck with only 5 mills out of 6 working when everything I have seen indicates this system should support upwards of 20 mills. Please help if you can.

  • Data, Data, Data. I cannot make bricks without clay. Specifically, pix plz or at least a link to the guide you are purporting to be following. I haven't heard of one that has been updated to 1.4.6+, and there have been significant mechanical changes since 1.2.5 which mitigate or negate entirely the usefulness of this tactic. These days, the go-to for unlimited EU is geothermal from the Nether lava oceans. Or just bite the bullet and go Windmill Tower or Compact Solar.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say 'you are using copper cable rather than tin'. EU loss per packet would negate their EU output entirely after five blocks.

    The guide you are probably using is significantly out of date. They only produce 1 EU/t when manned with buckets now. Combined with EU loss for cables, and you have your problem.

    Failing that, the far water mill is always the last one to get filled up, meaning it can often times wait for quite a while before getting a refill. Solution: more buckets, one per generator in the line.

    Generators don't emit power if they don't have anywhere for that power to go to. Please check your cabling to ensure that it is properly hooked up to an EU storage device which is not full.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fez3O3NP72s

    Old guide, works, but doesn't do so consistently, which is what lead to my question.

    Using a mix of tin and diamond cables across the mills themselves, and diamond cable linking to an MFE less than 20 blocks away. As I stated, some of the mills are working, I've had more than double the required number of buckets in the system and it doesn't help.

    So the question is what could cause a water mill to fail to output power to a cable, despite being full of water (including being manually filled by hand) and yet the mill is still able to charge a tool manually placed into it?

    • Official Post

    So the question is what could cause a water mill to fail to output power to a cable, despite being full of water (including being manually filled by hand) and yet the mill is still able to charge a tool manually placed into it?

    When it has nowhere to output the energy, no energy requesting block (FULL Batbox, MFE, MFSU and machines).

  • That is an outdated and no longer functional design. Your problem is likely with your timer, your retriever not being able to pull buckets out fast enough. Possible Bluetric Power issues as well.

    Instead, use Geothermal plants and pipe in Lava. If you have Thermal Expansion, you can use Liquid Tesseracts to transport the lava to your geothermals from the Nether, which has a nigh-infinite supply.

    • Official Post

    Water mills have had their recipe removed, and kinetic water generators should be used instead. You can make a new thread if you want help with those.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.