Can someone help me with this error please

  • Minecraft Server crashes with this error

    I am using a miner and a pump. Seems to work ok for some time but out of a sudden I got this

    Detailed Crash Report

  • you log does not indicate versions of mod\forge\mc.

    are you sure that you installed everything properly and use latest versions?

    Hi !
    Thanks for your response

    I use latest versions

    FML: MCP v7.26a FML v4.7.35.556 Minecraft Forge

    and IC2 [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft-2_1.115.231-lf.jar)

    I am completly clueless the only thing I can do now seems to remove IC2 completly otherwise I cant even log into the world any more since the chunk with the mine is effected.
    After successfully logging in again I will try to reinstall.

  • IC² pumps on servers basically rubbish compared to other mods pumps. I recommend installing BuildCraft.

    About your error, that happens sometimes when the game can't keep up with the events done on a tick.

    You can never have enough Medli IC2.