Users/YOUR USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/IC2.conf - Open with Editor.
Posts by Fyre
Try, it's awesome. For a free webhost, I recommend, gives you 10 Gigs of storage and 100 of traffic.
Worth a suggestion.
Nope. -
The dragon is copyrighted by Alblaka (I think)
Copying Posts -
That is a very proper tree. I like it.
Finally I can warm up my morning coffee with my nuclear reactor! This is amazing!
but in vanilla ic2 it's impossible and you can't have multiple networks with IDSU's
And it's as expensive as hell. -
Throwable Multiblock Dynamite...
IC² pumps on servers basically rubbish compared to other mods pumps. I recommend installing BuildCraft.
About your error, that happens sometimes when the game can't keep up with the events done on a tick.
btw we have that already, ic2 irc chat...
Is there ANYONE ever being active in the IRC or do I just come at the wrong times? -
This servers looks kinda...messed up.
The only thing related to IC² here is the Chainsaw and the mining drill in your hand...
Don't you mean "Portable Machines"?
Why do you think forestry is cheating?
Because of the Mod Balance with other mods not really being interesting, making its bee system OP. -
I personally think RichardG has made a mistake while organizing the blacklist.
Is this thread neccesary? Just PM him.
I couldn't see your server's name in the Title. Is that supposed to happen? (Probably not)
That's a reason to come back on the server. To make you fall into a Lava Lake, just to say "Fight fyre with fire" ^^.
For sure