With all the new mods that allow for long distance travel the EU consumption of teleporters REALLY needs to be revisited or they may as well not exist!

    • Official Post

    2000 blocks with a full inventory and 4 pieces of armor is 10 million EU. Quite expensive when you think about it, given the fact that with a qsuit, you can go 2k blocks in 1-2 minutes and for 50k eu.
    If you think that teleporters are well balanced, then you should make the qsuit slower and take 100 times as much power to sprint/jump. AKA draining the suit in 2-3 minutes of sprinting. Because ATM, I'd rather not spend 10 million EU for 2 minutes of travel.

    Whoever has an UUM factory doesnt care about energy costs, but time.

  • GregTech has really cool teleporters now.
    They have a GUI, you can input coordinates and if memory serves you can peripheral wrap them with computercraft.

    I hate saying "Just use GregTech!" but sometimes it is the best option.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"