Mining Laser Mode switch messages

  • I've seen in a you tube video that when switching mode with the mining laser it displays a message on screen to show which mode it's in.

    I'm not getting the message when switching modes in, is there some thing else I need to do?

  • I've seen in a you tube video that when switching mode with the mining laser it displays a message on screen to show which mode it's in.

    I'm not getting the message when switching modes in, is there some thing else I need to do?

    Are you switching it correctly? Mode-place key? (Default: M-rightclick)

  • It's switching modes correctly, as when I use it, it's different. I just don't get the on screen message telling me which mode it's in.

    Are the messages an IC2 thing or a minecraft thing? I don't get messages for any thing else.

    • Official Post

    It's switching modes correctly, as when I use it, it's different. I just don't get the on screen message telling me which mode it's in.

    Are the messages an IC2 thing or a minecraft thing? I don't get messages for any thing else.

    What version of IC2 and forge?

    • Official Post

    I'm using IC2 1.115.220-lf and forge is

    Hmm, is that latest version? If not, update, it may of been a known bug and gotten fixed. For Testing reasons, can you make another instance with just Forge and IC2 and try it there? If it works, then either your options or some other mod is causing it.