[Addon] [Fred Trek for Industrialcraft and Gregtech for minecraft 1.6.2(WIP)] Welcome to all Trekkies

  • fixed, i forgot to verify my email account for mediafire :whistling:

  • Ok i will lower the rotation angle thanks.

  • Another idea: Make an API for Worlds/moons, Factions, etcetera., So that we can make custom worlds/factions.
    It would be very user-friendly if, say, the Planets and Factions are loaded from a folder of files, that are kinda like config files - for Planets, they have a line for Name, Size, Gravity, Climate, and Worldgen-features; for Factions, there would be Name, Ship color 1 (plating), Ship color 2 (window tint), Ship Color 3 (Corners/edges), Ship Color 4 (Something else), Firepower color (color of shots), Weapon 1 type (Primary weapons, fires often with medium/low power; can be Phasers, Turbolasers, Machine-gun/Automatic/Bullets, etc.), Weapon 2 type (secondary weapons, fires with high power but not as often as primaries; can be Photon Torpedos, Missiles, V2 rockets, etc.), Weapon 3 type (megaweapon, heaviest damage; fired least often and only by some ships that are ''big'' enough; can be something like an Isolytic Sub-space Weapon (like a Warp Drive exploding, but with intent on using Sup-space tear to deal damage), Nukes, 500 Cal., Etc.), Flag/Symbol Image name (put in another folder), Rarity (how common they are at start), Starting Strength (how powerful their forces are at first), Political positioning (Peaceful or War-hogging or somewhere between those, Starts as enemies with set faction(s), etc.), etc.
    That would be very useful, so that people could make custom Factions and Planets, and share them, or install them as packs, and much more. It would also make Fred Trek much more popular, as it would be much more User-friendly.

  • I am sorry to announce that i got a big java bug and I couldn't fix it, so i started again from the last update.... ;( but all work is not for nothing since i can use the code again. The next update will not be 1.6.2 but will have many new things. The next update will at least take 2 weeks. :S

  • I am sorry to announce that i got a big java bug and I couldn't fix it

    Could you give a brief explanation of what it was and what stopped you from fixing it? It would help everyone else that might stumble on it in future.

  • Could you give a brief explanation of what it was and what stopped you from fixing it? It would help everyone else that might stumble on it in future.

    Fixed, i spotted it up to my config file: i forgot to assing an ID to a block and used ID = 0, so if you find any problems in your code and it is not shown by eclipse, just look at your config file :D

  • In one week,or less, be prepared MinecraftCreeper

  • New update, now in 1.6.2

    NEW: Tritanium

    Next: i wanted to do it in this update but i got horrified with all code changing and all stupid things i did, so next updte, borgs will have names and can assimilate you and i will try to get your skin and an overlay, and assimilated + playername

    example: assimilated GregoriusT, that try to assimilate you


    PS: if tou get a crash error try updating your forge to +