So about a week ago i decided to put a few mods together to play a bit around with them and ended up making a Survival Single player world. Normally i get really bored of those quickly and start cheating crap in, but with Hunger overhaul, pams harvestcraft and GregTech, So far i have gone near completely legit (i spawned in one or two stone swords when i fighting mobs ;p ) and have had a really fun time!
This is my world so far:
This is my farm and house.
The back of my BC and Cooking Building, along with my Water wheel for power and my Rubber/tree farm.
My Portal and pathway to the second island.
The Second island, it had tons of mobs but they either escaped or i trapped em:The tower you see is my Small thaumcraft thing ;p
And inside the big hole is the Mob farm... See, i treat my animals right :3
(There are 3 cows and 6 pigs in there btw, just under my view) My Nether spawn
These are my mods:
This is the seed i am using: 70775035 (I have BoP but not in this world, i added it later before i went to the nether)
warning, i think there is a bug with 1.5.2 Chocobos or something else that is causing my world to crash every 10 mins or so ;p i can live with it though.
So i Made a new world with BoP, this is how it went so far:
I Spawned here with my Flint axe and such (Adventure mode, everything on hardcore mode)
Hey, whats that in the corner?
Yup, Spawned right next to a Jungle temple! In it was a huge amount of loot, near full bronze armour, some steel armour and tools and a bunch of bronze and gold ingots xD
I found a Cool Mangrove biome and decided to make my house there ;p
"Ok, Now to find some Tetrahedite and Cassiterite in a close biome!"
*Travels 1500 blocks, finaly finds extreme hills* XD
finds some awesome terrain on the way
Yay! My First Tetrahedite!
Well, I am so far from home, i might as well make a house here!
Some awesome terrain around the area.
^The Valley I will live in
Stupid sheep ;p
Carving out my house in Stone
Boom! The Best way to mine with Harder Stone on
Went caving, guess what I found!
There were so many GT Books, I made a modified world to spawn me in a Stronghold and there are SO MANY XD
I turned on Negative Gamma, Looks awesome
Started working on my house:
Later Went exploring, found a jungle, and another temple!
Got poisoned by ivy on the way back, ended up dying of fall damage D:
But hey, whats that on the right?
It was a super duper crap village with 5 houses! -_- Onlything good was 2 apiaries i stole :3