When I put a booze barrel into a scaffold, then hit it with axe, I get 2 barrels and a scaffold. One of barrels is empty, the second is mine.

[IC2 EXP R121] Booze barrel dupe glitch
When I put a booze barrel into a scaffold, then hit it with axe, I get 2 barrels and a scaffold. One of barrels is empty, the second is mine.
Bugtracker exists for a reason.
Bugtracker exists for a reason.
Give him/her a link instead http://bt.industrial-craft.net/
I thought i reported that back in 1.5
Give him/her a link instead http://bt.industrial-craft.net/
Tracker recquires separate registration. Also I have no experience with mantis, so let someone more clever to post/bump the ticket. -
It is very easy to use, try it.
I thought i reported that back in 1.5
True, ticket #446