IC2 Experimental - course of action, what's planned for the future, missing recipes, etc...

  • First of all I want to thank the dev team for such a fine release of IC2. It's awesome...

    Second - there are a lot of new stuff there... I wonder what are the recipes for some of the new stuff, can I see somewhere how to make existing ones ? It would be nice if we had sticky here with all the recent recipe changes. Later it could be put on the wiki too, when it's final and complete

    Also I would like to know in wich direction developement goes. I see no electrocution with the cables, no cable fuses (cable exploding on higher load than allowed) so a few words would be nice about that (if there is no electrocution, then insulated cables are not needed) CF is still a mistery, we don't know what's going to be with that... And there's Silver Dust, Obsidian Dust... We all would like to hear some hot exclusive stuff about this new release, to have some idea what can we expect. This is an official IC2 forum, isn't it :)

    Keep up the good work, and good luck finishing it soon...

  • I'm also wondering what happend about that "basic bugfree version" because as I can see you keep adding stuff to the eperimental version but I'm wondering when to upgrade from LF... I mean I have nothing against new features.. but I want to get sure that everything works and I don't have to upgrade every day to fix new bugs...
    So what are your plans about that?

  • ok so now the tier 1 of machines accept MV and the advance accept HV (Mass Fab is a HV machine use scrapebox to be efficient ;))
    All storage units and machines can explode if they receive more EU (example: 32 EU goes into the batbox from 32 solar and you want to add one more or 10 (your desi jean) can go BOOM :Nuke TNT:) so the energy output from any kind of generator is`s the same (read the wiki for this ;))
    There are no "hidden" recipes ther just made differently or not implemented (example: 1 tin plate in the Metal Former makes 3 tin cells and 1iron plate makes 1 Fuel Road) Me - "goin Nuclear I see hhiiimmmmm nice 8) :Reactor: "
    There are 4 tiers of energy storage and 4 of transformers
    Cables there not same, they can hold different amount of EU (all insulated) tin 32 EU, copper 128 EU, gold 512 EU, HV cable 2048 EU and GF cable 8192 EU

    I could tell you more but it's good for you to test it and see what you can find :D

    I personally like the new changes and white the new updates that are coming to NEI plugin will make much more eazy crafting staff.

    God bless this wonderfull community of IC
    :Mining Laser: :Quantum-Bodyarmor: :Mining Laser: ---> MinecraftCreeper OOOOOoooooo SSSSSS**********

  • I know all of that. You missed my point. The things I want to know is what are they planning for the future, I see that they want to make this as close as possible to BC - for example, judging it by the latest experimentals. I like the idea - the two mods are complementary. What you miss in BC - you have in IC2 and vice-versa... I see some items not used in the game mod right now - they keep them for the future - like obsidian dust - for example... I would like to know what they will make out of it - like I first said - I want to hear about their plans for the new IC2 v2
    Stuff like that. And I would like to see an updated IC2 wiki, with all the new stuff there...

    BTW - I am most troubled with the CF (construction foam) can't figure it out... Anyone has a clue how to fill CF Sprayer ? There's talk about fluid CF in canner, but I simply can't make it, nor I can place empty CF Sprayer or Sprayer backpack in my canner machine's slots...

    I am using build 2.0.193

    • Official Post

    I know all of that. You missed my point. The things I want to know is what are they planning for the future, I see that they want to make this as close as possible to BC - for example, judging it by the latest experimentals. I like the idea - the two mods are complementary. What you miss in BC - you have in IC2 and vice-versa... I see some items not used in the game mod right now - they keep them for the future - like obsidian dust - for example... I would like to know what they will make out of it - like I first said - I want to hear about their plans for the new IC2 v2
    Stuff like that. And I would like to see an updated IC2 wiki, with all the new stuff there...

    BTW - I am most troubled with the CF (construction foam) can't figure it out... Anyone has a clue how to fill CF Sprayer ? There's talk about fluid CF in canner, but I simply can't make it, nor I can place empty CF Sprayer or Sprayer backpack in my canner machine's slots...

    I am using build 2.0.193

    I'm guessing something like this?
    IC2 Expermental Info?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • OMG!!! Lord be praised... Thank you ! :D
    I simply can't belive i didn't click that damn "mode" icon! I found out about that on the metalformer right away, on this stupid canner, I couldn't tell it was clickable. And there I was - asking myself why did they draw recipe overlay on the gui MinecraftSheepMinecraftSheepMinecraftSheep