I was wondering why my machines weren't exploding when I plugged 512EU/t cables into my 32EU/t machines. Well then, that's a damn shame. Imo, the fact you had to watch your voltage was one of the big things that made IC2.
Posts by CrafterofMany
Hold on, voltage doesn't work anymore? So i've been setting up transformers and worrying about my machines exploding for nothing?
... Committed mass murder, to escape to...
... Dragon to save the....
Flowerchild. He has vision, ideas and is a game designer.
He is also a fucking asshole
Couldn't had said it better myself.
I jumped in on a fight between Flowerchild and some biome modder who retired. His pride and arrogance started the fight and I got the last word. I despise his pride and his mod.
I've had a quarrel with flowerchild and despise him and his mod. -1 BTW.
I'll need some better form of alchemy before I change my vote.
We were planning on having 2000-4000 blocks of regular biomes before we installed any biome adding mod
Why don't we make the Reactor output steam since this is a hardmode server and have railcraft installed?
Glad I'll have a partner who can speak english next time. Still on board with partners next map, Choco?
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or lying. Communism never works out. Putin is an power hungry idiot
Seems like a fight. A stupid fight over a seemingly OP addon.
Sadly I missed all the TiC vs Gregtech stuff. But it seems some people are too ignorant to see Md was openly trying to sabotage GT, and then blame it on greg. I was hoping TiC would end up getting some punishment, banishment, something.
I honestly want atleast 1000-2000 blocks of vanilla world gen, even if TC comes out before the server launch. That will give people a gregtech relavent start off, and by the steel age you can build a portal and go 2000 blocks out and get the things needed for TC. TC world generation is cool and all but not my style. I'm sure I'm not alone either. And I would rather not have those crystals cluttering my chest.
Easy answer to an easy question: cut it. As people have said, it will be more of a hobby mod rather than anything serious. Honestly if you think thaumcraft is a cant-go-without mod for a gregtech hardmode server you are in the wrong place. We will add it later of course.
Greg!!! You know deleted things are meant to never be seen! Especially when its English vs. American. You wouldn't understand because you're german. I know that one time I made you change wolfram to tungsten, but that was it! We have three styles here, american, german (old world), and british. Now, which is actually right? Lets have a poll. And no lang file needed
I think i can live with aluminium.
Then just ban nether portals in said dimension. You are the owner, aren't you? And with that dimension idea, why not have a war dimension for people who want pvp? You could get as deep as you want with allowing certain mods and rules in certain dimensions.
I have learned one thing from the owner of the server.... If it violates rule #1, its not happening. So if you kill a person for doing something, or set a tnt block directly adjacent to a magic thing you've worked hard on, it violates rule #1. So any block you put effort in. Besides, whats the chance of you finding an magic thing in my base? None, because I would had put it at bedrock under the ocean where nobody would ever find it.
And BA finding my base guilty of alchemy would be ironic, as his name literally has alchemy in it. And I don't like TC's idea of alchemy, I like the transmutation circles.