Posts by mak326428

    It's far easier to make it symmetrical if you use odd numbers, unless you plan on making the drill "pipe" be sized at even blocks as well.

    Quarry accepts up to 500 MJ/t and uses 60 MJ per block mined (assuming I read the code right).

    Have it be overclockable with modest starting speed with power usage of 60*2.5=150 EU per-block. More overclockers = more speed = higher energy used per-block. Perhaps similar to GT of doubling speed and quadrupling power use per-tick giving twice the power used per operation.

    Have several tiers for either drill and/or scanner giving different speeds, energy usage and coverage.

    Since when does quarry consume 500 MJ/t? 0_0. Maybe GT?
    The thing with overclockers is a really good idea. I'll take it.

    Okay, here's in-dev specification for Adv Miner (just ideas, they are not implemented yet):
    1. Range 32x32
    2. Energy consumption 256 EU/t (or some other big number). BC quarry's max Mj/t = 50, so it should be 50 * 2.5 = 125 EU/t, so ideally Adv Miner should consume 128 EU/t
    3. Speed: 1 block per tick. (might be too fast, we'll see, maybe i'd decrease it to 2 or 3 ticks per block).
    4. MUST USE ENHANCED DRILL AND ADV SCANNER (i should review recipe for adv scanner, because it requires UUM, making it instantly endgame, however i want it to be mid-game item)
    5. Will use adv mining pipes (they are crafted as

    MAM === 8 Adv Mining Pipes.

    where M = mining pipe, A = advanced machine block)
    6. Built-in chunkloader.
    7. The way it works is:
    First of all, miner drill down
    It scans 32x32 area around its Y axis and if it finds any ore, it will mine its way over to that ore and drill the whole vein instantly (or maybe 1 block per tick, we'll see) before going 1 level down the Y axis.
    8. Will apply all the enchancements you have on your drill (e.g. it will apply fortune III to every block it mines)

    For now, that's it. I will get to implementation now.

    GregTech is making minecraft approach reality as much as possible, making the tech progression realistic, thats the problem people have been facing.
    Before you could get an iron pick (and luckily a diamond pick) in the first 5 minutes of gameplay.
    You don't progress from stone age (stone and flint) to metal age (iron, bronze) in a few hours (MC-wise). It was (and is if GT is not installed) like steve is a magical blacksmith which doesnt need ANY kind of tool to smelt, smash and handle metals and gems.

    But it's a game at last.
    I mean yes, it's good to add hammers and such, but... You just sit in the earlygame just doing nothing, however there is a ton of stuff ahead. Sometimes even a new version of MC arrives while you get from earlygame to midgame and from midgame to endgame.
    I don't say GT is bad or something like that. GT is a pretty cool mod (i wouldn't really say it's playable at its nerfed state), but I respect Greg just for the amount of effort he put in his mod. 3.1 megabytes, while my 1.6.2 minecraft is 4.622 megabytes. Remember, that minecraft is being worked on by a whole company with a ton of money, while Greg is sitting in his flat
    and adding stuff all by himself.
    GT is an awesome mod, but just not for me. (and for a lot of other playersand even entire Forgecraft)
    I don't want to make this thread GT-holywar, soooo...

    I think I'm ready for the next version. It will feature QRing, EMagnet and some other toys. I optimized drill a bit too (wrote a whole brand new sneaky algorithm for orefinding). I may or may not devote tomorrow and add an Adv miner, we'll see.

    Or 1.666.666 EU if you use scrap/amplifier.

    His mod can be called DBG (Denied By GregTech) as a joke :3
    Cool thing is : Suggest something to IC². Did it get denied by IC²? Try suggesting to GregTech. Did it also get denied? Try suggesting to this mod :3
    This mod will probably hold the most fancy thingies that are reasonably OP and got denied by IC and GT, due not fitting their tech trees.

    But it's hilarius! :3
    And I'm trying to make it as balanced as possible, without making it a "second GT".
    There are two extremeties: OPness and GTness.
    Neither is good IMO.
    My goal is not tо make the cup run over, like GT does. GOODNESS, IRON PICK AFTER A WHOLE FRIKKIN HOUR OF PLAYING? SERIOUS?

    Yeah I know, that's exaclty what I was looking for, and it's the main reason I have to plan on using your addon ^^

    Not that the armor itself doesn't seems cool, but the main reason is this energy demand I want ^^.

    Also, just a hint:
    Electric Magnet + Drill = A lot of fun.
    Tested in my legit singleplayer world (started yesterday, without GT (i had too much trouble with that addon), it was hilarius). You just go mining and after two minutes you already have 3 stacks of coal...

    I will use this addon next time I'll play MC ;)
    On hard mode, ofc. Not that expensive assuming you can get Irid. without UUM in GT (otherwhise I would lack of gems dusts as scraps ^^)

    It's expensive. On hard mode, you will care much much more about osmium, not iridium. (7 UUM - 1 Iridium Ingots, however 7 * 4 = 28 UUM for 1 Osmium Ingot).
    And you MUST use UUM (I won't add any shortcuts, e.g. iridium -> osmium, or platinum -> osmium or wolframium -> osmium).
    My idea was to create a really, really endgame target, for people to build bigger and bigger powerplants (and more and more of other stuff).

    Lol, that is exactly what I told you to do, to fix the Armor thing. Add Render Prefix for Armor and then use it in your ItemArmor Class.

    Yep, but you didn't tell me about registering armor prefix in RenderingRegistry, i don't recall.

    Also, Greg, do you like my new recipes for armors or should I make them even more evil?

    Sooo, i drew faithful textures for my addon (i can't really play without faithful, it's the best):

    And probably, some of you may already have guessed what I am working on: GregTech compat. Greg has a little bit of a crappy API when it comes to items, but I think, I'll deal.

    There will be two crafting modes: "normal" and "hard". You can change them in config. On normal mode, all armors require just plain iridium plates (super-easy) like they did in the past.
    On hard mode, it's something like this:
    Boots: 5 osmiridium plates ->
    15 (osmium ingots) * 4 (conversion of osmium tiny dust into normal dust) * 6 (uum per 1 tiny dust) * 4 (you need 4 osmiridium mixed metal ingot per plate) = 1440 UUM
    15 (iridium ingots) * 7 = 105 UUM
    Total of 1545 UUM = 24.14 stacks of UUM
    I will skip all these calculations, let's just think 1 osmiridium plate = 1545 / 5 = 309 UUM
    Chestplate requires 3 plates = 927 UUM = 14.48 stacks of UUM
    Leggings require 3 plates = 927 UUM = 14.48 stacks of UUM
    Helmet requires 4 plates = 1236 UUM = 19.31 stacks of UUM

    Total of 4635 UUM per fullset = 72.42 stacks of UUM.

    I don't know on which difficulty you're gonna play, but I will definitely play on normal.

    @lso, Matt, congratulations on 2000 posts!
    For those fellow modders who have the same problem:
    use this code before your modItemsInit:

    ARMOR_SUPERSONIC_RENDER_INDEX = RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix("supersonic");

    Where ARMOR_SUPERSONIC_RENDER_INDEX is a simple variable in your ClientProxy.
    Then, when you init your armors, do that something like that:

    		        EnumArmorMaterial.DIAMOND, ClientProxy.ARMOR_SUPERSONIC_RENDER_INDEX, 1);

    Place your armors inside of /minecraft/textures/models/armor/yourPrefix_layer_yourLayer.png
    yourLayer - 2 for leggings, 1 for everything else.
    That was it. I don't know if it is the case for you, but for me it really drove me insane.

    Now that we have improved "laser entities" it may come true soon (tm).
    I already did suggest some kind of laser turret earlier. It would be programmable, like MFFS interdiction matrix + biometric identifier.

    @above : 4 thousand UUM for full suit = nearly impossible for GT :3 {unless you are talking about UUM -> iridium}
    Thats even more expensive than full MPS suit, i think. GOOD.

    Matt complained. I did. I'll add a config option for it, don't worry ;)

    Osmiridium Plates:
    I added them. I'll add GT compat soon™.
    Also, 4k is a lot of UUM... 64 stacks... More than doublechest worth of UUM....
    Well, new recipes are evil. As evil as hellGreg.

    Can someone point this thread to SirusKing? His dreams are becoming true here...

    More comments :
    Config to disable superconductors (so you have to use the expensive GT version)
    Config to disable enriched whatevername orb (so you have to use GT energy orbs, which is a bit more expensive i guess [couldn't check as NEI failed])
    Make all iridium plate requiring stuff require Osmiridium Plates [2 Iridium Plate (the alloy) + 4 Osmium Plate + 2 diamond dust] when GT is installed. Fancy note is that would explain the blueish color of stuff [As Osmium, in GT, is blue]

    "DBG, Denied by GregTech, but we implemented it!" made me laugh too.

    Enriched Whatever Orbs are more expensive than GT ones (they require 4 lapotrons, 4 superconductors (2 iridium plates per 6 superconductors) and 1 iridium plates).
    You get about 2,5 iridium plates per 4 million EU-storage crystals.

    I have added the flight-ability for the ring.

    Status update - I am currently working on "Inventory Nets". It's a signal of some major mechanics coming in the next version of the addon.
    Unfortunately, I had to add a new TickHandler, which is gonna be another perfomance penalty. I'll try to make it as less laggy as possible, I promise :)

    Here's something:

    Lol. With that, cheap SupraConductor, all-in-one-item+BetterThanQS, energy teleporters and (OP) enhanced drill you might call your Addon ... DBG: Denied By GregTech, but we implemented it!

    Have you looked at the recipe for it?
    let's just count iridium plates:
    Full Quantum = 10.
    8 Enriched Matter Orbs = 8.
    Levitation Boots = 6.
    Supersonic Legs = 3.
    Tesla Helmet - 4
    Forcefield Chestplate - 3.

    Quantum ring = 10 + 8 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 3 [+ 4] (the actual iridium plates in quantumringrecipe).
    You get: 38 iridium plates.
    Do you still think it is OP? Are you REALLY able to craft it with GT?
    This is on current recipes.
    I intend on adding GT recipes (by my calculations you will need x6 more iridium)

    Energy teleporters are OP?
    Well, there is a pretty good config option named "enableEnergyLoss" which adds energy loss.
    You get 5% when less than 1000 blocks
    You get 10% when >1000 <2000
    You get 15% when >2000 <5000
    You get 25% when crossdimensional.

    Well, there's a config option named "enableSuperconductorsOreDict", which, when set to false, will disable cross-mod-compatibility for it.

    Lol. With that, cheap SupraConductor, all-in-one-item+BetterThanQS, energy teleporters and (OP) enhanced drill you might call your Addon ... DBG: Denied By GregTech, but we implemented it!

    Totally! That was my goal! [/lol]

    You made me laugh so hard..

    Aaand progress with Multiblock Nukes!:

    Now I need to make them Multiblocks and explode..
    I think it is gonna be 450k teraton nuke.
    Weell, SirusKing, welcome to LevTech extragalactical!

    that fuction is , in not enough items :D magnetic all items for player

    But it's considered cheats!
    Cheats = not good.
    OP = not good.
    OP, but fun = good.

    Also, I do want to add my own Fuel Generator (uses buildcraft fuel to generate EU), i know that there is a number of implementations, but i will make it output 128 EU/t and generating 600 000 EU per bucket of Fuel (i know, that technically it's 1 500 000 EU, but have you ever seen how much oil is in the world? Tons and tons and tons of it).

    Okay, two things on my todo-list:
    1. Electric Magnet
    2. Fuel Generator

    And i implemented Electric Magnet. It just teleports laying on the ground items to you in radius of 32 blocks.

    And just a bit of statistics:
    LevelStorage currently has 18095 lines of code. ComputerCraft has ~42000. That means that 2.321083 LevelStorage(s) = 1 computercraft!
    That's a lot of code for me. Just to let you know that a month ago I had 100 lines of code. Addon really grew during the last month.