After some random testing :
Client> 2013-08-14 23:36:35 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.core.EnergyNet$Tile@5b144640 (0:344,67,-60) didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted (8192) although demandsEnergy() requested 8192. This is probably because your wireless box accepts up to EV (2048), and does not blow when inputting IV (8192 , from GT) .
As you already know, armor doesnt render, nor forcefields and particles (from wireless thingies). Tesla ray does render , but not that much.
Q : Why forcefield chestplate kills mobs, instead of just pushing them away? That killing job is for teh helmet.
Energy from stuff gets drained only from chestplate and when that energy runs out, the chestplate LOSES its abilities (and armor). You probably tried to do something similar to MPS, but failed =\
Wireless chargers are not working properly (?)
They don't charge equipped armor.
They only charge items on your hotbar, and if you don't have an electric chestplate equipped, it will end quickly using all its internal storage.
If you use an electric chestplate and a wireless charger, it will slowly consume the electric chestplate energy and waste energy. This means the wireless block station is requesting ALL energy it can, while charging nothing.
Rework suggestion : Wireless block storage station. It STORES energy into it, and will use that energy to wirelessly charge stuff. That way you can "store" some energy to charge your wireless crap and avoid enet glitches. Wireless chargers will consume the wireless block storage energy to recharge itself.
GT Recipes :
I was a bit lazy to make the grids and such, hope you can understand it.
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1. "demandsEnergy() is not impemented properly" just ignore that. I had to remove proper implementation for Wireless Charger to work. It doesn't do any harm, except for printing that kind of stuff into console.
2. "Armor doesn't render" Yes, known issue.
I don't know what to do with that. Like I said earlier, it works fine in dev environment, but when it comes to real game environment, it screws everything up.
3. "All armors (boots, leggings, helmet) draws energy from chestplate". Yes, I use ElectricItem.manager.use() (standart IC2 api for this kind of thing), but because of chestplate being lappack, they draw it from chestplate. I think I should try ElectricItem.manager.discharge() instead.
4. Thanks for recipes, I'll get them into the mod, except the recipe for the Electric Sickle. I thought of it as a really cool start-game method for collecting a good amount of seeds and farming rubber trees. Making it require still will immediately make it a mid-game item. So, I'll keep refined iron there, or maybe Refined Iron Plates from GT.
Q : Why forcefield chestplate kills mobs, instead of just pushing them away? That killing job is for teh helmet.
A: Mainly because it's a forcefield chestplate, i think tesla helmet should emit tesla rays, but chestplate will kill mobs if they get too close.
I'll add config for that, don't worry.
Q. Why does wireless charger waste energy?
A. Balance-point. It only wastes 5% of energy you send throught it, so not a big deal.
Also, SpwnX, 0 energy loss FTW!:
I have absolutely no transformers there BTW.
I think I found a way to solve my thread-space problem. I'll just create posts here and reserve them.
The next version will likely feature an electric version of Frames. I won't decompile RedPower for it, I will just take the principe and implement it. Wish me luck.